Our granddaughter has court on Monday for charges a year ago for possession of meth and paraphernalia in her car. She has applied for a diversion program, and her court appointed attorney says that the judge has approved it, and in court she should be assigned a probation officer and learn what is required.
Can anyone tell me what usually is required? If she completes the terms of the diversion, in 18 months she will be done and have no felony record. She needs rehab. She knows she will have a curfew and will have to be at "home" by curfew. We are mostly just her legal address. She might spend one night a week here. She already told me that the first 3 months will be really tough on her as she will be moody and anxious from stopping meth. So ...that means we will be the ones suffering!!
When I told her she needs to understand that we will not lie to her probation officer. That if he asks us specific questions we will answer honestly. That upset her! She said family is suppose to have your back! I told her we have...we have taken care of her and her son for the last 2 5 years! And...since she was 3 and in foster care because of her parents drug usage.
I am afraid she will lie about her addiction, how often she uses and how many years! I am afraid that what they require of her may not be what she really needs. And if she is living here, what would we have to do if we need her NOT to live with us?
She seems to think that after Monday she will do all the right things... because she doesn't want to go to jail! Not for her, not for her son...because she doesn't want to go to jail!
I told her if she does live here, we need her to step up her participation in household routines. I told her that she hasn't washed one load of clothes for her son, or picked up and cleaned his room. Somehow she twisted that in to why didn't I keep reminding her to do his laundry? I said, he's your son, I shouldn't have to tell you he needs clean clothes! I have reminded her for the last 2 5 years to do her dirty clothes! I don't think she has done a load in a month! Every times she starts a load, she leaves while it's in the washer...and doesn't come home for 2 or 3 days!
I'm just fed up. I don't think she will be able to do diversion. She has been sneaking out of the house at night and running off since 14. She is 24 next week, and she doesn't sneak off, she just announces she left her charging cord at a friend's house, or a friend left their house key in her car, or someone needs a ride to work. And it's always I'll he right back. Nope. Disappears for a day or two or more.
I'm not really stressing about her going to jail, except how it would affects her son, who is 4. We are his adults... His dad has him every other weekend,. I don't know how it might affect his custody if she is in jail. We have tried to get her to sign temporary custody to us for 6 months . In case she ends up in jail. She won't.
Can anyone tell me what usually is required? If she completes the terms of the diversion, in 18 months she will be done and have no felony record. She needs rehab. She knows she will have a curfew and will have to be at "home" by curfew. We are mostly just her legal address. She might spend one night a week here. She already told me that the first 3 months will be really tough on her as she will be moody and anxious from stopping meth. So ...that means we will be the ones suffering!!
When I told her she needs to understand that we will not lie to her probation officer. That if he asks us specific questions we will answer honestly. That upset her! She said family is suppose to have your back! I told her we have...we have taken care of her and her son for the last 2 5 years! And...since she was 3 and in foster care because of her parents drug usage.
I am afraid she will lie about her addiction, how often she uses and how many years! I am afraid that what they require of her may not be what she really needs. And if she is living here, what would we have to do if we need her NOT to live with us?
She seems to think that after Monday she will do all the right things... because she doesn't want to go to jail! Not for her, not for her son...because she doesn't want to go to jail!
I told her if she does live here, we need her to step up her participation in household routines. I told her that she hasn't washed one load of clothes for her son, or picked up and cleaned his room. Somehow she twisted that in to why didn't I keep reminding her to do his laundry? I said, he's your son, I shouldn't have to tell you he needs clean clothes! I have reminded her for the last 2 5 years to do her dirty clothes! I don't think she has done a load in a month! Every times she starts a load, she leaves while it's in the washer...and doesn't come home for 2 or 3 days!
I'm just fed up. I don't think she will be able to do diversion. She has been sneaking out of the house at night and running off since 14. She is 24 next week, and she doesn't sneak off, she just announces she left her charging cord at a friend's house, or a friend left their house key in her car, or someone needs a ride to work. And it's always I'll he right back. Nope. Disappears for a day or two or more.
I'm not really stressing about her going to jail, except how it would affects her son, who is 4. We are his adults... His dad has him every other weekend,. I don't know how it might affect his custody if she is in jail. We have tried to get her to sign temporary custody to us for 6 months . In case she ends up in jail. She won't.