AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHH!....okay, I feel somewhat better after that scream..sorry.
A little background--Friday at school was a school picnic. I was off and on with his class(I work at his school) and he was doing so-so. He was really clingy and I left him crying at 1 point. He looked fine, just whiny and clingy.
Fast forward 15 minutes, eyes were sunken in with huge red dark circles. So...I asked them to give him a snack and some water..just monitor really. I had to go outside to serve lunch, and by the time he got to me(less than 30 minutes) he was lost. No direction, no thought process..basically a zombie. His dad picked him up and brought him home where he jsut layed around for about 2 hours.
By evening, his second wind had come in like a tornado. WILD and loud. He did not go tobed unitl after midnight and was up by 6am Saturday morning.
Saturday was full of aggression, cussing, and oppositional behavior. He tried to get in trouble. If anyone was happy, he did his best to make them mad or sad. Also, very self indulging..all about me attitude. And fearless...(mind you he has a broken thumb from being fearless last week!)
Sunday not much better..had no listening skills and lots of cussing. Again did not go to bed easily. Sleep was restless and this am I found him curled into a shelf on his bed.
He went into school so so--we have had both better and worse days. I picked him up for lunch and that was a disaster. He was mad because his food wasnt fast enough, mad because it was hot, mad because ??? who knows.
He informed me several times he was never going to play with me again. NOt sure where that was coming from. When I took him back to school, he threw a MAJOR tantrum in the hall. The teacher literally had to pick him up and close the door to keep him in. Luckily, she is wonderful and put a stop to that fit pretty quick.
Afterschool, he was demanding and mean. I saw him outside chasing neighbor with a stick. He took a ball from younger neighbor girl just to hear her scream...just a royal pain.
He spends Monday nights with his grandmother, and sad to say..I am relieved. He has been so horrible, I need the break!
We have several diagnosis, have trialed many medications, and well...still having a rough go. Residential Treatment Center (RTC) has been mentioned more than once and our last doctor said that was his only choice then dropped us(he was out of state and wanted incoluntary placement, which I refused!)
So, now what...where to go, who to call, what medications to try. All rhetorical..just need to get it out. Thanks for listening.
A little background--Friday at school was a school picnic. I was off and on with his class(I work at his school) and he was doing so-so. He was really clingy and I left him crying at 1 point. He looked fine, just whiny and clingy.
Fast forward 15 minutes, eyes were sunken in with huge red dark circles. So...I asked them to give him a snack and some water..just monitor really. I had to go outside to serve lunch, and by the time he got to me(less than 30 minutes) he was lost. No direction, no thought process..basically a zombie. His dad picked him up and brought him home where he jsut layed around for about 2 hours.
By evening, his second wind had come in like a tornado. WILD and loud. He did not go tobed unitl after midnight and was up by 6am Saturday morning.
Saturday was full of aggression, cussing, and oppositional behavior. He tried to get in trouble. If anyone was happy, he did his best to make them mad or sad. Also, very self indulging..all about me attitude. And fearless...(mind you he has a broken thumb from being fearless last week!)
Sunday not much better..had no listening skills and lots of cussing. Again did not go to bed easily. Sleep was restless and this am I found him curled into a shelf on his bed.
He went into school so so--we have had both better and worse days. I picked him up for lunch and that was a disaster. He was mad because his food wasnt fast enough, mad because it was hot, mad because ??? who knows.
He informed me several times he was never going to play with me again. NOt sure where that was coming from. When I took him back to school, he threw a MAJOR tantrum in the hall. The teacher literally had to pick him up and close the door to keep him in. Luckily, she is wonderful and put a stop to that fit pretty quick.
Afterschool, he was demanding and mean. I saw him outside chasing neighbor with a stick. He took a ball from younger neighbor girl just to hear her scream...just a royal pain.
He spends Monday nights with his grandmother, and sad to say..I am relieved. He has been so horrible, I need the break!
We have several diagnosis, have trialed many medications, and well...still having a rough go. Residential Treatment Center (RTC) has been mentioned more than once and our last doctor said that was his only choice then dropped us(he was out of state and wanted incoluntary placement, which I refused!)
So, now what...where to go, who to call, what medications to try. All rhetorical..just need to get it out. Thanks for listening.