

Active Member
I want to resign my postition as parent, chaufer, cook, housekeeper, medical advocate and all the other unpaid positions I have at home.

Any takers? The pay, hours, and respect hoover big time.:mad:


Well-Known Member
I have the same job here. I have gone on strike several times, complete with sign I hold up when anyone tries to talk to me. It helps for a while, they're more cooperative, but soon we slide back to the same old same old.


hearts and roses

Mind Reader
My hope is that retirement Is just around the bend, so I'm hanging in there for gold watch-do they still do that? Lol


Crazy, go on strike.


Fly away!
What you do when they start, is this: without saying a word or even acknowledging them, calmly turn around, walk out the door, get into your car, and drive away. They're used to yelling or whatnot. But, *that* will totally freak them out.


Well-Known Member
What you do when they start, is this: without saying a word or even acknowledging them, calmly turn around, walk out the door, get into your car, and drive away. They're used to yelling or whatnot. But, *that* will totally freak them out.

Yep. My thoughts exactly. You/we are not punching bags or robots.


Here we go again!
I had to leave the other day, too. Some days it's the only way to cope. My husband finally clued in this past week that I was feeling depressed and has been trying to be more supportive. Although, when he calls mid-day to ask "are you still depressed?" it makes me want to smack him. As if popping a pill or a new date on the calendar changes anything around here... :(


Shooting from the Hip
been there done that... Just left... Did not help a LOT, but it did help SOME. Drove to my parents' once... Just around, once... And last fall (November) I just drove until I was about 60 miles away (roundabout, took me almost 5 hours to get there) ... Melted down on E & H... And things got better, then worse. Then better. Then worse. Then MUCH better somehow... And they're not great now, but at least husband is on the same page.

Seriously, going on strike helps... So does walking away. Or driving.


Crazy Cat Lady
I've always had an extremely short fuse, at least until I got the BiPolar (BP) medications sorted out. husband used to simply walk away and go sit on the porch until I was done ranting about whatever it was I was ranting about. I knew not to push it and I learned that while husband was more than willing to talk things over, he would NOT deal with me until I calmed back down.

One thing I feel bad about is that I didn't realize that the sleeping so much and not getting his "share" of housework done was actually due to the illness that had not yet been diagnosed, and the fatigue it caused.

Once it filtered through that he was actually sick, we hired a maid service to come in and do the cleaning and I quit worrying about him spending all that time in front of the TV gaming, or on Prodigy or AOL (before the actual WWW days, LoL). He was too tired and too scattered to do anything else.