Okay, this is a new one for me. We have moved to a new school district. We have been in school eight weeks. The school is calling me now and telling me that they are not going to give difficult child 3 his medications as scheduled because they exceed the prd guide for dosage of focalin. I explained to the head nurse, the asst. dist. super intendent that I know the dosage is in excess of what is recommened. This child simply metabolizes this stuff like crazy. They have pretty much said they are not going to give it to him, period. I am suppose to write the school board a letter and request that they do. The doctor has even written a letter to the school explaining the need.
The only case I found on the web was about DeBorg and the court upheld the schools decision. Anyone else gone through this? Please send help!!!!!!!!!
Me - 39, depression, Zoloft, Depokote and now Lorazepam for extream anxiety!
husband - 41 finally supportive
difficult child 1 - 20, add, no medications
difficult child 2 - 13, add, anxiety, depression, Wellbutrin 400mg & Straterra 60mg
difficult child 3 - 13 adhd, odd, BiPolar (BP), anxiety disorder-not otherwise specified, Learning Disability (LD) - Disorder of written expression, Focalin 80mg, 1200mg Lithium, 37.5 mg Zoloft, Risperdal 3mg, Zyrtek, 200mg Lamictal.
"Today, I have one nerve left and your on it!"
Member since Sept. 02'