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Ok, the sd did their evaluation and it focused all on difficult child's bad behavior from 5th and 6th grade (he's starting 9th grade) which she justified by saying this is what qualified difficult child for an IEP in the first place. I found it to be more of a strong attempt to make sure his high school knows what he's done in the past. This is his triennial evaluation so I thought the report should address how difficult child is doing now- that his behavior at school greatly improved over the past couple of years once the IEP changed from focusing on how to deal with bad behavior to how to give needed supports before bad behavior occurs. Plus, the report had errors in it about many incidences and was just an innaccurate portrayal in many ways.. So I asked for an IEE, then they said they would like to meet with me today to go over my specific concerns and things that need correcting. We met for 2 hours and got half way thru my list. The sd psychiatric who did the report and the Special Education director were the only ones there and they just kept rolling their eyes at each other. And I was asked a couple of times why I was pursuing this if they were in support of difficult child staying on an IEP. Well, because it doesn't address how BiPolar (BP) or a mood disorder of any type or an emotional disturbance can or does impede his learning. They just look at it like the only way it impedes his learning is when he's exhibiting behavior problems.
Anyway, at the end of the meeting, the sd psychiatric was saying ""well, would you need to pursue an IEE if I change the background info in the report...my concerns about difficult child maladaptive behavior and making sure his future school knows are staying the same and this is based on the way difficult child presented himself during their interview and the slinical impressions won't change much because difficult child told me himself that all his absences from school last fall were due to him running the house and doing what he wanted, so if you'll send me your notes and I look them over and make a few changes to the report, wouldn't you just accept it because what would you expect to gain from an IEE".
I guess I'm concerned that even though I'm sitting there with documentation from psychiatrist, therapist, and a pediatrician that difficult child was ill part of the fall and unstable almost all of it, she appears to be writing all that off because difficult child presented himself as just doing whatever he wanted last fall to her. Would you accept a sd psychiatric's opinion of this over the mental health prof's who were involved with difficult child at the time? I asked her if she really thought that difficult child fooled me and all of them but she had gotten to the truth. Plus, difficult child was cutting himself during that time and I explained to her that I have no doubt there were periods when difficult child felt he was running the house, but when he's unstable, that means there are also periods of time when he's an emotional basketcase, and really, he's all over the place.
If the sd psychiatric is going to get into his diagnosis and whether or not difficult child intentionally does these things vs it being mood lability, I was assuming that there would be some review of his mental health records. There was not. She only wants to stick to school records and Department of Juvenile Justice records that don't pertain to mental health or his legal charges. She will include things told by difficult child and me but they are listed like "according to mother" or "difficult child says...".
She made the comment right before I left that she had to keep the behavior stuff in there because "what if difficult child does something like that at school in the future". So, see, is this supposed to be a report of what the school should look out for because this lady thinks he might have had bad intent in 5th grade when he did something stupid so she's very concerned that he might do it again and worse in the future? Is this what this report is suppiosed to cover? The sd has left things where if I don't send them my 8 pages of notes outlining my concerns about the report, then I haven't given them the opportunity to address them- even though they are rolling their eyes about it. But, if I do send it, it will be used to say they rebviewed and made changes they are comfortable with so why get an IEE. Plus, they will say that they made every effort to work with me but make it look like I'm the unreasonable one.
If I keep my pursuit of an IEE, will they either review mental health stuff and actually address how that can impede difficult child's learning, or stay away from that topic altogether and only look at performance at school, or will they do the same thing as this lady? What is the norm?
Really, I am going to pursue the IEE but I just want to know if I should expect something more thorough than this, or less but sticking to school issues only, or the same. It's my understanding that the IEE has to be done by someone qualified to do sd evaluations- can I get someone with more experience? Someone with enough knowledge to understand that mental health effects a person's ability to learn in more ways than just thru behavior?
What if I write a letter stating that it's up to her if she wants to revise her report, but I'm pursuing an IEE either way because I want a second opinion?
Anyway, at the end of the meeting, the sd psychiatric was saying ""well, would you need to pursue an IEE if I change the background info in the report...my concerns about difficult child maladaptive behavior and making sure his future school knows are staying the same and this is based on the way difficult child presented himself during their interview and the slinical impressions won't change much because difficult child told me himself that all his absences from school last fall were due to him running the house and doing what he wanted, so if you'll send me your notes and I look them over and make a few changes to the report, wouldn't you just accept it because what would you expect to gain from an IEE".
I guess I'm concerned that even though I'm sitting there with documentation from psychiatrist, therapist, and a pediatrician that difficult child was ill part of the fall and unstable almost all of it, she appears to be writing all that off because difficult child presented himself as just doing whatever he wanted last fall to her. Would you accept a sd psychiatric's opinion of this over the mental health prof's who were involved with difficult child at the time? I asked her if she really thought that difficult child fooled me and all of them but she had gotten to the truth. Plus, difficult child was cutting himself during that time and I explained to her that I have no doubt there were periods when difficult child felt he was running the house, but when he's unstable, that means there are also periods of time when he's an emotional basketcase, and really, he's all over the place.
If the sd psychiatric is going to get into his diagnosis and whether or not difficult child intentionally does these things vs it being mood lability, I was assuming that there would be some review of his mental health records. There was not. She only wants to stick to school records and Department of Juvenile Justice records that don't pertain to mental health or his legal charges. She will include things told by difficult child and me but they are listed like "according to mother" or "difficult child says...".
She made the comment right before I left that she had to keep the behavior stuff in there because "what if difficult child does something like that at school in the future". So, see, is this supposed to be a report of what the school should look out for because this lady thinks he might have had bad intent in 5th grade when he did something stupid so she's very concerned that he might do it again and worse in the future? Is this what this report is suppiosed to cover? The sd has left things where if I don't send them my 8 pages of notes outlining my concerns about the report, then I haven't given them the opportunity to address them- even though they are rolling their eyes about it. But, if I do send it, it will be used to say they rebviewed and made changes they are comfortable with so why get an IEE. Plus, they will say that they made every effort to work with me but make it look like I'm the unreasonable one.
If I keep my pursuit of an IEE, will they either review mental health stuff and actually address how that can impede difficult child's learning, or stay away from that topic altogether and only look at performance at school, or will they do the same thing as this lady? What is the norm?
Really, I am going to pursue the IEE but I just want to know if I should expect something more thorough than this, or less but sticking to school issues only, or the same. It's my understanding that the IEE has to be done by someone qualified to do sd evaluations- can I get someone with more experience? Someone with enough knowledge to understand that mental health effects a person's ability to learn in more ways than just thru behavior?
What if I write a letter stating that it's up to her if she wants to revise her report, but I'm pursuing an IEE either way because I want a second opinion?
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