Sheena-Warrior Momma
we won't know if he has a fractured rib until late today or early Monday morning. I thought "this is a good time for me to talk to difficult child alone". I decided that since we were alone and there was no one else to annoy that I would let him go.....not tell him to calm down when he got too hyper, etc.
:smile: Did I get an eye/earfull! I watched him cycle from goofy, could not stop talking mode to falling asleep in the car on the way home and every rung of the ladder in between! All in a matter of 2 hours! And then was total goofball again in a blink. Then at bedtime he gets mad at me because I won't let him stay up later, bedtime has been the same for 2 yrs!? By the time we were done with hugs and kisses he's giddy again. :faint:
I told husband, just let him go and watch his moods change....don't tell him to calm down, quit arguing, etc. He was shocked!
He's been a little resistant to me mentioning Early Onset Bi-Polar (EOBP) until last night. :wink: Then says to me "Have you called to make him that appointment yet?" I mean, really, I love the man but sometimes you have to :hammer: !
OMG! I almost forgot! husband fell down the stairs last night and broke a toe, bruised his back and has road rash from the carpet down one ENTIRE arm! Then goes to work this morning! People at work are going to think I beat him. :rofl: If I have to take him in for x-rays they are going to think I'm trying to kill off the whole family! "No, REALLY, officer I didn't push him down the stairs for the insurance money, there's not enough yet to make it count!!" UGH! Maybe I :hammer: him too hard? What a night!
:smile: Did I get an eye/earfull! I watched him cycle from goofy, could not stop talking mode to falling asleep in the car on the way home and every rung of the ladder in between! All in a matter of 2 hours! And then was total goofball again in a blink. Then at bedtime he gets mad at me because I won't let him stay up later, bedtime has been the same for 2 yrs!? By the time we were done with hugs and kisses he's giddy again. :faint:
I told husband, just let him go and watch his moods change....don't tell him to calm down, quit arguing, etc. He was shocked!
He's been a little resistant to me mentioning Early Onset Bi-Polar (EOBP) until last night. :wink: Then says to me "Have you called to make him that appointment yet?" I mean, really, I love the man but sometimes you have to :hammer: !
OMG! I almost forgot! husband fell down the stairs last night and broke a toe, bruised his back and has road rash from the carpet down one ENTIRE arm! Then goes to work this morning! People at work are going to think I beat him. :rofl: If I have to take him in for x-rays they are going to think I'm trying to kill off the whole family! "No, REALLY, officer I didn't push him down the stairs for the insurance money, there's not enough yet to make it count!!" UGH! Maybe I :hammer: him too hard? What a night!