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Well since my last post about my mother and brother trying to have me falsly arrested, I haven't heard a peep from either of them, which is just how I like it. However within days of that I got a nasty threatening letter from easy child's father threatening me with a custody battle, all because I had asked him to pay off an old bill (one of two, I would pay the other one which incidentally was over $3000, the one I asked of him being under $1000) incurred when we were still together. I fired off a disgusted email response to his lawyer saying fire it up, I have no doubt our access order will stay same with me with custody, I am very generous and good about access to him with our daughter. I also mentioned perhaps he wants to rethink firing up this type of garbage considering he is paying a joke of support ($12.50 a week!) but living in a $250K house, van, brand new car, multiple holidays each year, 3 businesses etc and I would love to see his income tax returns to get my proper amount of support. How shocking that I have not been served with court documents :wink:
Had a occupational therapist from the school board come to the house today to meet alone with me to complete paperwork for a application for a assisted device for difficult child that would be purchased for him before he starts high school in September. So far it looks like it is going to fly through the approval process. difficult child also had some testing to see if a device would assist him and was logged at a typing speed of 47 words a minute, in grade 8!!! So it looks as if they will be buying him a brand new laptop. Great for home, but perfect for school with his fine motor delays and hand tremors which make note taking etc next to impossible on a good day! This definitly made my day.
Mid appointment, my door opens and a paramedic came flying in the door. Turned out he had the wrong address on my street, but he was some yummy eye candy :wink: and I got a girly ego boost when he checked me out head to toe in my kitchen as he apologized for bursting in. I wanted to say, if the patient isn't dying, cup of joe?? :wink: Felt good to be checked out!
Friday is difficult child's birthday. Turning 14! My cousin is home visiting from England and her birthday is tomorrow, so we are doing a joint shin dig with cake, pizza etc and extended family (the non psycho ones!) are all coming. I am so looking forward to having them all here for a special occassion now that difficult child is living home again! He got spoiled, but it was as much a reward for soooo many things as it was a birthday gift. Computer for his room, xbox 360, game, add ons, etc. He will have a friend over to play video games and spend the night on Friday evening, and I will get him a ice cream cake since he will have regular cake shared with our cousin tomorrow night.
2007 is turning out completely different than I imagined it to be, all for the better. My medical stuff is not flaring up so badly right now, it is tolerable. Which makes it so nice since the snow is melted away and I can get out walking again!
This past weekend I went alone to Toronto to visit friends, and had a reunion with an old friend I hadn't seen in 10 years. We all got decked out to the nine's and had dinner at a place where *gasp* ... you need reservations!!! Had a wonderful dinner, there were 6 of us. Danced afterwards with a much older but fun relaxed crowd to 60's music (theme night was 60's). I loved the dancing, and was great to share a few drinks in adult company and laugh and just relax. I didn't talk of the kids all weekend. I just wanted to feel like a woman, not a mom! For one weekend anyhow
. While waiting for my bus (I don't drive and Toronto is nearly 4 hours away) I hit the mall and bought a new coat, watch and 2 shirts. I rarely spend money on clothes. It was a awesome and restful weekend. I came home READy to be back home.
Anyhow, I wanted to update on us and say I am still reading and thinking of you all. Sometimes I don't feel I have much to add to those of you still struggling since difficult child is practically easy child at this point, and quite truthfully I have no magic answer how it happened, I doubt it was even anything I did or any service he got. He just "did it", on his own, out of the blue. But I would miss you all so much if I just flew the coop here on the board! So know that I do think of you all and do read and keep up. When I feel I have something actually helpful to contribute, I will definitly post!
Had a occupational therapist from the school board come to the house today to meet alone with me to complete paperwork for a application for a assisted device for difficult child that would be purchased for him before he starts high school in September. So far it looks like it is going to fly through the approval process. difficult child also had some testing to see if a device would assist him and was logged at a typing speed of 47 words a minute, in grade 8!!! So it looks as if they will be buying him a brand new laptop. Great for home, but perfect for school with his fine motor delays and hand tremors which make note taking etc next to impossible on a good day! This definitly made my day.
Mid appointment, my door opens and a paramedic came flying in the door. Turned out he had the wrong address on my street, but he was some yummy eye candy :wink: and I got a girly ego boost when he checked me out head to toe in my kitchen as he apologized for bursting in. I wanted to say, if the patient isn't dying, cup of joe?? :wink: Felt good to be checked out!
Friday is difficult child's birthday. Turning 14! My cousin is home visiting from England and her birthday is tomorrow, so we are doing a joint shin dig with cake, pizza etc and extended family (the non psycho ones!) are all coming. I am so looking forward to having them all here for a special occassion now that difficult child is living home again! He got spoiled, but it was as much a reward for soooo many things as it was a birthday gift. Computer for his room, xbox 360, game, add ons, etc. He will have a friend over to play video games and spend the night on Friday evening, and I will get him a ice cream cake since he will have regular cake shared with our cousin tomorrow night.
2007 is turning out completely different than I imagined it to be, all for the better. My medical stuff is not flaring up so badly right now, it is tolerable. Which makes it so nice since the snow is melted away and I can get out walking again!
This past weekend I went alone to Toronto to visit friends, and had a reunion with an old friend I hadn't seen in 10 years. We all got decked out to the nine's and had dinner at a place where *gasp* ... you need reservations!!! Had a wonderful dinner, there were 6 of us. Danced afterwards with a much older but fun relaxed crowd to 60's music (theme night was 60's). I loved the dancing, and was great to share a few drinks in adult company and laugh and just relax. I didn't talk of the kids all weekend. I just wanted to feel like a woman, not a mom! For one weekend anyhow
Anyhow, I wanted to update on us and say I am still reading and thinking of you all. Sometimes I don't feel I have much to add to those of you still struggling since difficult child is practically easy child at this point, and quite truthfully I have no magic answer how it happened, I doubt it was even anything I did or any service he got. He just "did it", on his own, out of the blue. But I would miss you all so much if I just flew the coop here on the board! So know that I do think of you all and do read and keep up. When I feel I have something actually helpful to contribute, I will definitly post!