
  1. Californiablonde

    Please cross fingers, pray, send me good wishes, etc...

    My kids' dad pulled a fast one and did not show up at our meeting place to take them on his scheduled weekend last Friday. When I called him he simply stated he did not want them for the weekend because he had plans and then he hung up on me. He later texted me and told me he did it on purpose...
  2. forkeeps251


    difficult child's latest psychiatric appointment was today. He saw a new person (a nurse practitioner). Although I did like some of what she said, some of it I found a little scary because she seems to be leaning more towards difficult child having a mood disorder rather than just ADHD and anxiety, as was diagnosed a...
  3. B

    Crazy thoughts, needing some guidance from experienced parents!

    Hi again all, I posted awhile back about my son, who lives with his mother in another state (12yo boy). He is in a special needs school for education, had a normal IQ, but has OCC, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED), Depression/Anxiety issues. He is currently on Zoloft, Guanfacine, Adderall, and Abilify. He lives...
  4. whatamess

    Changing medication dosage/weekend breaks

    Correct me if I'm wrong. I am under the impression that weekend/summer breaks from ritalin is not harmful. Also, ritilin is absorbed and processed in the body within hours, so it is not possible to bring it to a therapeutic level. Changes in dosing every few days will not have a harmful...
  5. J

    We Finally Broke Down and Started Intuniv

    I don't post a lot, but for all of us who walk this road, I needed to share some good news that only parents of difficult child's can really appreciate. I was almost in tears. For those of you that don't know my story a brief background. husband and I together 20 yrs, married 12. difficult child, male, 8, planned...
  6. V

    Concerta and Increased Aggression?

    My 6yo son just started on Concerta for ADHD a few days ago. He's been very aggressive the last couple days he has taken it. Has anyone ever experienced this?
  7. forkeeps251

    they won't stop fighting! advice please :-(

    Quick background: Two kids, one age 10, gifted but a talker, and my difficult child, age 6... so far the diagnosis is ADHD and Anxiety not otherwise specified, but he also seems pretty delayed in many other areas... school, speech, etc. His main problems have been with aggression. difficult child started taking Adderall last year and the...
  8. M


    Not sure if this is the correct place to post an introduction of sorts, or more like reintroduction as I posted here a few times last year, but stopped because I wasn't sure if I "ethical", for lack of a better term, in discussing my step-children, so if I'm out of line, please feel free to move...
  9. violetta

    New here- daughter is adopted and we just sent her to Residential Treatment Center (RTC) for cutting

    Hi there, i'm new here and so scared and heartbroken for my daughter. We sent her to an Residential Treatment Center (RTC) Friday night. She is 13 and will be 14 next month. The past two weeks have been an emotional hell. On Monday of last week, she forgot her lunch so i brought her some fast food. First thing she says to me...
  10. W

    Just want 2 dr's to agree.

    neuropsychologist says my 7yr has had Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) on left side of his brain. psychiatric. says he has AS. Pediat. says it's ODD. He had a brain MRI last week and showed nothing...SO Now what do we do?
  11. P

    My son - irregular heartbeat?

    My son takes Adderall for ADD and has for a couple of years now. Today we went to the doctor and they did an EKG and found an irregular heartbeat. They said it could be a side effect from the Adderall. Any one have any experience with this?? This is my baby and I am scared to death. We have an...
  12. msmlb

    Vyvanse vs. Metadate CD

    I have been noticing that a lot of difficult child's with ADHD and ODD are taking Vyvanse. What is the difference between Vyvanse and Metadate CD? We tried a switch of daughter's medications back in April from Metadate CD to Concerta and her teacher reported that her impulstivity was in full swing and it was like she...
  13. E

    ADHD and extreme defiance in 5 year old. I NEED HELP!

    My 5 year old son has been diagnosed with ADHD since he was 3 years old. He is currently taking Adderall XR 5 mg and Clonidine .1mg. Lately he has been extremely defiant. He won't listen to us, he will flat out tell us no when we remind him of basic rules (like not hitting his little sister), he...
  14. H

    Ok, apparently my kid is falling apart...or is this all psychological?

    I just posted yesterday about difficult child 3's constipation, but there are a few other "medical" concerns. Of course his pediatrician has been on vacation and doesn't return until Tuesday next week...and family doctor is useless. He broke out in hives Monday night, for no apparent reason we can figure out. He...
  15. R

    Just left school after a battle to get him to take medications. I cannot keep doing this.

    I am just so mentally exhausted! I spent 2 hours trying to get all his medication in him and at 9am I took him to school with it so he would not be late. I did this one other time but I hate doing it. I was up there for 1 hour and they finally told me just to go home. He is with the nurse, his para...
  16. forkeeps251

    Things were going good, and now...

    It's been a while since I've been here... the reason is that things were going so good! difficult child started first grade this year, and made it until just about a month ago with no major issues! No principals office or anything... And starting about a month ago, things changed... I'm not 100% sure why...
  17. B

    Does ADD include a poor memory?

    I talked to Jumper's math teacher and asked her why she had struggled in algebra (she ended up with a D+ and even the teacher said she was trying hard). The teacher said that she had trouble remembering how to do certain formulas. Jumper has a horrible memory. I really worry about her future...
  18. B

    Just want to sit down and cry

    Ugh, I hate mornings with a passion. Not only because I am not at all a morning person, but mornings are so often when Poe decides to have a meltdown. This morning I knew it was going to be bad when he didn't want to get up. And I feel like a prize idiot because I let him stay up late last...
  19. TiredSoul

    Concerta - now available in generic!

    YAY!! Got difficult child's refill today and was sooooo happy it was $10 and not $40! PARSIPPANY, N.J., May 2, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Watson Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NYSE: WPI) today confirmed that its subsidiary, Watson Laboratories, Inc., has launched an authorized generic version of Concerta®...
  20. C

    My 11 yo asperger son

    My 11 years old son is diagnosed with asperger,ADHD,ODD 3 years ago.He is on adderall 10mg and 50mg zoloft in the morning and 5mg adderall in the afternoon. He doesn't have IEP because he is tested gifted with an IQ of 168. However we received countless complains from school of his behavior and...