
  1. totoro

    Lamictal ? Since No doctor will call back!!! UPDATE!!

    OK, week 3 of no-one returning a call!!! So nice. Anyway, K is up to 37.5mg of Lamictal once a day in the a.m. she is also taking 2.5mg Abilify bid. She has been severely depressed, more than ever before, sitting in the a.m. and just staring out the window, "no-one likes me", "I am the worst...
  2. C

    Don't know what to do anymore

    Haven't been on this board for over a year. Nothing much have changed. our 13 years old has gotten so big in size and has been always trying to resolve issues by physical aggression. And dad is losing it and they got into a fight this afternoon. its not right for an adult to lose it with his...
  3. M


    I am a dad with a wonderful 7 y.o. son who early on had strong tantrums of frustration-intolerance kind, then was bugging other kids so as to get kicked out of a couple of preschools. Not much of impulse control, though observes his own safety. Never anger problems, an easy smile and has a good...
  4. jannie

    Intuniv--long acting guanficine

    Hi All- My difficult child just started to take Intuniv, which is long acting guanficine-with benefits. It is supposed to target impulsivity, agitation, frustration, activity level, and even help with attention. I believe it is also supposed to help with tics. We're starting it slowly 1 week at 1 mg, one...
  5. jugey


    It has become completely clear that the cocktail of medication is no longer working. I'm not sure why this happened but the last 5 to 6 weeks have been just awful! difficult child is very irritable, nasty and explosive and we've had several violent and destructive episodes. We had to call the police 3...
  6. shellyd67

    Vyvanse feedback anyone?

    I have been doing research online today about the ADHD medication Vyvanse. Concerta 36mg seems to be running it's course with- difficult child. We have a psychiatrist appointment on Tuesday and I am going to discuss it with him also. But the best feedback and advice will come from here I am sure of it. I know all kids...
  7. Janna

    So Tell Me About The Uncommon medications

    that may be working for your kid. What do you do when you've tried them all? Dylan's hyperactivity and impulsivity are skyrocketing. We had him 6 full days over the holiday, and every person that came in contact with him said he seemed "10x worse", "ready to jump out of his skin", "couldn't...
  8. L

    Anyone familiar with Trileptal?

    This week the doctor took difficult child off of Abilify because it did not agree at all. Things seemed to be getting worse and worse. Now they put him on Trieptal and all I can find on it is , that it is for epilpsy. I didnt know if any one was fimiliar with it. It has come to the point that my husband is...
  9. gcvmom

    Depakote trial update and questions...

    difficult child 2 has been on Depakote for about 5 weeks now and husband and I definitely see improvement from the medication wash period and the first few days on the new medication. Things that are noticeably better: oppositionality, argumentativeness, tantrums, obsessions, irritability, aggression, anxiety. Things that...
  10. J

    New Member Needs Help

    Hello everyone... Can anyone tell me if they have done a lock-out and had their child go to foster care and how it works. I am a single parent of two. My 11 year old daughter has adhd, depression and ODD. The ODD is horrible. My oldest daughter who is 17 has moved to friends of mine for the...
  11. S

    Please Help

    My 5 year old son had ODD, mood disorder and ADHD. His behavior at school is horrible, rolling on floor, kicking, yelling, hiding under tables, telling the teacher he hates her, the and school. He takes Abilify and Stratera. He is very good at home and plays nicely with the 6 year old...
  12. Alisonlg

    Side Effects and no one to call....

    Poor M. He's been complaining about his "blue and white pills" for the past couple of weeks now and I was just hoping the side effect was temporary, but it doesn't seem to be going away. It seems the Strattera is making him randomly nauseous and it's even causing vomit to reflux up into his...
  13. TiredSoul

    Things are so bad right now

    Ever since we stopped his Concerta and have tapered off his Intuniv it has been beyond AWFUL!!! I don't know what to do. We cannot live like this another day. The only ADHD medication we haven't tried is Straterra. Should we at this point? It isn't going to solve anything quickly. I am so beyond...
  14. A

    Saw the psychiatrist!

    We finally saw difficult child's new psychiatrist yesterday and we have a good place to start working. First thing he wanted to take him off Ritalin because in kiddos with high anxiety that can cause voices or hallunications. WOW! That made him feel somewhat better about what was going on. Now he is on Concerta...
  15. P

    Need input before psychiatrist tomorrow

    Hi difficult child 2 has been on Abilify (very low dose) for a few years for impulsivity, getting in other kids' space etc. He has major focus issues. executive function etc. Stimulants made him miserable, have tried just about everything else. (Abilify is only AP though). We finally decided to...
  16. J

    New to all this

    I have no idea what I'm doing here so bear with me. I have a 16 year old who has just been diagnosed with "maybe" bipolar. They aren't sure because right now she's refusing to really talk to anyone about how she's feeling so everything is based on what I'm telling the docs. Things started...
  17. J

    She's back and it's not good.

    My pastor and his wife kept my difficult child for a couple days. Definately needed a break. She was given many chores and it was not a vacation like she thought it was going to be. They saw a 1/100th of the defiance that I see, but they at least saw a portion of it. Well, I talked with my friend and...
  18. Janna

    Now That I Got B*tchy

    psychiatrist is willing to talk to me. Oh well, whatever I have to do. I received several emails from her today. The nicest after she found out I filed a complaint. Whatever's necessary....she's pleasant and communicative and I can be the same. She believes the issues are related to "a Bipolar...
  19. M

    New medication choices

    Hi all, I haven't posted for awhile. difficult child is now 13. His diagnosis is Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD)/not otherwise specified, ODD, ADD. He's been on Abilify & tenex for a long time, years. We've kept him on those after trials of many other medications, as these worked out the best. difficult child is maxed out on the dosage for both. He's still very defiant &...
  20. W

    Any ideas on which ADD medications are the best?

    I'm becoming more frustrated with my difficult child medications. He was on adderall for two years. He's been on Vyvanse for two months. It works pretty good on the inattention but he is extremely difficult now. He still has his days where he doesn't quite get all of his school work done but his grades are...