
  1. gcvmom

    Ugh. difficult child 1 home early with a funky tummy...

    and I'm sure it's related to his GI issues. They took his temp in the office and no fever. He told his dad his pain was a 7/10 when husband collected him around 11:30 this morning. Came home and slept for about 90 minutes. Ate some tomato soup (with Miralax :) ). Looks like he's in a bit of...
  2. gcvmom

    difficult child 1 got another diagnosis tacked on today.

    We had our usual psychiatrist appointment today and most of the time was spent focused on difficult child 1 and all the issues that have plagued him this year. Problems with impulse control, sexual compulsion/obsession, mood swings, irritability, aggression, poor motivation, horrible IBS, poor memory... probably...
  3. gcvmom

    Concerned that difficult child 1 seems to need more stimulant these days...

    and am wondering if the nasty BiPolar (BP) monster is ramping up for an appearance in this kid. The past week or two he definitely is over the top in his behavior late afternoons, depsite having his patch on and it not being anywhere near time for it to wear off. He takes a 20mg booster of Focalin and a...
  4. A

    we switched medications and I see a change

    for the worse. Maybe. I hate this. Too soon to tell if it was a bad or good switch. We need some relief from these behaviors! difficult child has been switched from Risperdal to Abilify. He's been on 2 mgs at night. Today we added the 2 mg. in the a.m. He's weepy, being obsessive about needing a quarter...
  5. I

    I think my son has a moter running him with no breakes

    My 10 year old just won't shut down . Its like he has a moter driving him with no breaks . How do you stop the bedtime fight ? That is exactally what it turns into after he pushes me and pushes me to see how far he can . Then in the A.M. It is jeck to get him going . I have tried...
  6. D

    Frustrated mom

    Went to pediatrician neurologist yesterday and 10 yo difficult child will be taking 1 mg of abilify for her odd/anxiety/impulse behaviour. she will remain on the daytrana 15mg patch for adhd. can anyone give me some feedback on any side effect or positive results on abilify. It has been ruled out austism, bipolar...
  7. deniseinsatx

    Hi, my name is Denise and I'm a lurker....

    Hello~I have been coming here for several years and reading and learning. I feel like I know so many of you already. My signature should explain why I'm here. I work full time as a secretary on construction sites. My company has been fantastic with Dr. appointments, leaving early, coming...
  8. C

    Hypomania? Intuniv?

    difficult child was prescribed intuniv today in addition to increasing her Daytrana patch from 15 to 25 mg. He took her in his office for about 20 minutes to speak with her alone and then invited me back to talk. He said he feels she is much more impulsive and maybe somewhat hypomanic. Over the last...
  9. J

    Anyone Have Experience with Focalin?

    psychiatrist suggested it was time to try to address ADHD issue again since difficult child has been stable on Depakote, Abilify, Straterra and Tenex. We are eliminating Straterra and dropping Tenex so he should be done with-that one in a week. Introduced Focalin ER today. difficult child has never done well with-stims (Ritalin...
  10. M

    Anyone use Methylin for ADHD symptoms?

    I am finding that difficult child responds well to it...even though at this point it is only 10mg on top of other medications. Plus, it is short-acting...only 3/4 hours. Anyone use Methylin? What is the dose?
  11. crazymama30

    another evaluation?

    difficult child has recently started seeing a therapist (about 3 mos ago). Not sure if it does anygood, but willing wait and see. I realize this is not a quick answer. therapist has not seen difficult child in his full glory. She gets him one on one, and he is always better then. She has only seen him when he is fairly...
  12. M


    What do you do when your 6 year old yells in your face "NO" whenever you ask her to do anything at all? Then she hits her 3 year old sister and screams at the top of her lungs for an hour. husband says I need to be calm and give her consequences. Well that doesn't work for her or me. When I'm...
  13. J

    Hello - I would like to re-introduce myself

    Hi I'm Jal, I started on this website under another name around 2005. Fran was a great help in pm'ing me info and links and with helping to aquaint me with-this site. We've done and have been through a lot. Please see sig. For a while I was able to access this site @ home, but that was during...
  14. crazymama30

    Very unstable (Vent)

    difficult child is not stable. He is having rapid and pressured speech, is hyper beyond belief, and just cannot control himself. I am reading the explosive child and right now I just cannot apply anything. How do you try to work with a child who cannot slow down? He is going mach 10, and just cannot...
  15. L

    When medication started, how soon did you see results?

    As my almost-6-year-old is screaming downstairs, I am looking forward to our first psychiatrist appointment. Would you mind sharing your first medication experiences for your soon were medication's effects experienced and what were they? Thank you so much!
  16. S

    Tired and feeling hopeless...

    I'm back. It's been awhile since I was on here and I used a different name them - it was butterflydreams. Anyway, life has been very hectic since this last summer. I am no longer working, I am going to school full time now. My daughter took the GED in May and aced it! She is now...
  17. Z

    Anyone use vynanse?

    Hi! I haven't posted here in years. I check in when I can though. I have a 10 yr old son who is having trouble in school. He is diagnosed ADHD H/I type and ODD. I have my thoughts about bipolar, but his psychiatrist just blows me off. difficult child had his tonsils and adenoids out in Sept. After he...
  18. T

    What are any of your experiences with Focalin?

    My difficult child has been on Metadate for about five years. We have tried Dexadrine, Concerta and Strattera but he has severe side effects. He still has issues at school (day dreaming, behavioral,) and some behavorial issues at home so we are looking at trying something new. We tried Dayterra but he...
  19. I

    Kids who react badly to stimulants...

    I'm looking to find any advice from parents whose children react badly to stimulants. My difficult child has tried Concerta, Adderrall, the patch (Daytrana) and all have caused horrible side effects, primarily: - not eating - difficulty falling asleep - violent outbursts - facial tics - psychosis (like...
  20. N

    Continued Concern

    Hi Everyone, Its been awhile since I've been on, unfortunatly not because things have improved so much that my difficult child is not in my every thought. I've just been so busy I seldom go online anymore. First off I hope everything has been going well for everyone and that you all had a good holiday and...