
  1. H

    Next medication change, round.... something

    OK, doctor still not really feeling the need for more testing. I ask for a full evaluation and get asked what I'm wanting. Is there some more specific name that I'm missing? I said a full psychological/neurological profile. Why? *headdesk* Let me think... because she reacts so oddly to so many...
  2. I

    She needs to stop getting physical with me

    I am with difficult child 1 at a sport tournament this weekend that she is competing in. It is a 6 hour drive from home. She was melting down the night before we left, which I expected. She would not pack and started to get physical with me. Blocking my way to keep me contained in a hallway, grabbing my...
  3. W

    Got my first bloody lip from my kid

    I haven't been on for a while - I am sorry I haven't been following the posts. There have been other health crises in my familiy that I have been focusing on. My son has been doing pretty well for a time (he is 11), but started getting in a bad place again about a week ago. When I say bad...
  4. jcox

    Tenex and weight gain~when to d/c medication cause of weight gain?

    E had his Tenex increased in September. He has gained 6 lbs this past month, which I believe is more than a coincidence. This saddens me because he had previously gained 65 lbs on Risperdal going from 35 lbs at age 4 to 99 lbs at age 6. Then when he went to the psychiatric hospital they changed his medications around...
  5. N

    Wish us luck please and yesterday was a tough day for us

    So today is day one of respidol with the Clonidine. I am kinda panicked myself over it, because she's at school and I am really worried about the side effects. But we are will to give it try and see how it goes. The school is very aware and going to keep a close eye on her, and let me know about...
  6. J

    hi..I'm new here.

    Hello. I'm new here. My husband and I have a 6 year old daughter. We adopted her through the foster care system. She came to live with us at 4 months old, but went into foster care directly at birth. Her birth parents are both diagnosed schizophrenic. Birth mother is also bipolar. Birth...
  7. Cressida

    Hello All :)

    Hi, and apologies in advance for this enormous post. I'm Cress, and have just found this site. My daughter is 7, and has been diagnosed with ADHD, query ODD, and has emotional & behavioural problems on top of that. Her father has done a sterling job of screwing her up (we've been separated...
  8. B

    Does anyone ever wonder if the professionals REALLY know what is wrong with our kids?

    I ask mostly because of my hard-to-diagnose daughter. She has had many diagnosis. on the school front and nobody still knows for sure and she has gotten different answers from different "top" professionals. I don't think they know or ever will know other than she is a "different type" learner. As for...
  9. N

    Question and Thoughts on respidol?

    So today was day 5 of Clonidine. We are seeing some improvment, she seems to be a little more calm at home. Last night was a really good night for her, not alot of the fighting and talking back. Today seems to be a little more rough, both at school and at home. And I totally know that we are...
  10. buddy

    Malika...did you go to new psychiatrist today???

    Hi! Wondering if today was the day for the psychiatrist. How did it go????
  11. R

    Medication for children with autism

    Hi everybody, this is my first time on. I am 51 years old, stay home dad do to disability( Progressive Charcot-Marie-Tooth) and have a 12 years old child with autism. My son has become very aggressive since we took him out of risperdal. He gain a lot weight and my wife and I were very concerned...
  12. N

    New and need some help

    Hi everyone, I just found this site, and I am really glad that I have. My difficult child is 7, and we have been dealing with her being what we thought we just strubron and strong willed since preschool. Now she is showing signs of ODD- her Dr did just diagnosis with it a few weeks ago. We are doing behavior mod...
  13. T

    Update on difficult child's EKG - UGH

    Had our appointment with psychiatrist this morning. She won't start clonidine for sleep until we see a Pediatric Cardiologist. His bloodwork all came back well within normal limits. difficult child was getting antsy because he wanted to go to football practice (his first one ever). psychiatrist told him that the current EKG is a...
  14. buddy

    Hospital just called

    They said I refused to let difficult child attend their school time, I said no, I refused to allow for an open dialog from school and hospital. He doesn't have any homework, only reading 5 minutes a night and recording it. I will bring that form for them. They said, well it is crossed out, I said I was not...
  15. buddy

    ADMIN calls again! Anyone have a kid with ABI or Tourette"s

    I admit this is sticky for them and I sympathize. What do I do with a kid who is actually unable to stop saying things, sounds an inappropriate words. Warning: this post contains graphic language, but it is in an attempt to explain...dont read if offended by naughty words He has this new one...
  16. 2

    Lesson Learned

    For the past few months, I have had my children on a "diet". The rule of thumb being: If it wouldn't have come out of my grandmother's kitchen, they don't eat it. Everyday, I make bread. Thank goodness for a breadmaker. I make my own cereal, granola, and high protein cookies/cakes, etc...
  17. msmlb

    Having one of THOSE days

    Started out my day sick as could be with my head in the toilet. Thank goodness that passed and I feel better now. DS#2 has had an off day. He threw a fit because I asked him and DS#3 to pick up toys. He then proceeded to scream at the top of his lungs, scratch his face, and threatened to pack...
  18. ready2run

    just an update

    last time i posted on here, we were trying to give up custody of difficult child to foster care. husband has changed his mind on that and difficult child is still here. the social workers pretty much said too bad, they aren't taking him he's our problem, not there's. the lawyer said we should try putting him into a group...
  19. whatamess


    Hi, I put difficult child back on Strattera (7 weeks ago) for the 3rd time in 2 years. I need help deciding if the side effects are worth the benefit. His sleep and eating are undisturbed by this medication, this is a big deal to me as he is a great eater and decent sleeper, so I hate to mess with those things...
  20. A

    Tired of talking to people who do not understand!!!

    I found this site searching for information on risperdal. My son takes that and has gained weight he can't stop eating and he can't sleep. I want to take him off of it but I am not sure of the risks and benefits. He also takes concerta and zoloft. I honestly want to take him off everything and...