
  1. DazedandConfused

    Daughter does it again! Long angry rant (LAR).

    This is part of a process to try and get over my EXTREME rage at Daughter for once again putting us on display like a freak show in public. I swear all we needed was a barker to bring in a larger crowd. I’m so angry and I feel like I’m never NOT going to be angry again. Today, Daughter was to...
  2. M


    I feel my life force being choked out of me by this anxiety. difficult child calls for me almost every night to lay down with him because he is scared. I can't leave the room or he freaks. I'm not kidding. I don't understand why this is getting worse. I have very few people in my support system and difficult child...
  3. M


    Hello everyone, I will try and write you more later if I am not too tired when the boys go to bed. I wanted you to know the Doctor (my new Dr. whom I am excited about), prescribed CIPRALEX for me. I am not happy that I feel I need to take these drugs (antidepressants). But, living how I do...
  4. Janna

    Anxiety Is Fun

    That was sarcasm for those that didn't pick up on it lol. Talked for about an hour with Dyl's therapist today. It's pretty obvious the Concerta isn't doing anything but making his anxiety worse LOL! LOL! Lucky me, eh? Did I say this was the last drug we were gonna try? Hmmm Don't remember...
  5. F

    Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) & medication question

    I posted a few weeks about about my difficult child (5, HF autism with anxiety/Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)/ADHD) who is having open heart surgery in 3 weeks (we do have a date now, July 7). His behavior has been escalating for a few months now (he's in his bad cycle) and I finally got his pediatrician to consider medications. He's...
  6. J

    Hi, I'm new here

    Hello everyone, I am new to this site. I think I qualify as an exhausted parent. My 14 year-old has suffered with and was treated for what we thought was depression for several years, but had a crisis this month that required hospitalization. When he was released, he was worse off than when...
  7. Alisonlg

    Anti-Anxiety Techniques?

    Ok...this one is for ME. As I've posted before, I am NOT normally an anxious person. I am seriously not. But, my goodness, there is WAY too much going on with M and he is WAY to unpredictable that I am totally worked up. Yesterday, I spent an HOUR and TWENTY MINUTES sitting by the window...
  8. On_Call

    Another "Search and Rescue"

    difficult child seems hellbent on sabatoging any progress he has made lately. Yesterday, I walked in my door at lunchtime - didn't even have time to take off my boots - when the phone rang. God love caller I.D. - at least I had time to take a deep breath before I answered and received the request to...
  9. K

    New behavior

    It's been a while, we have been on vacation. During the vacation some issues came up that are new and I am not quite sure how to handle it. Anxiety level really shoots through the roof. He admitted he doesn't like feeling scared all the time. Tried talking to him, but doesn't help his fears...
  10. Nancy423

    can anyone help?

    Hi again. I've not been around in the last month. School is keeping me very busy and difficult child is sliding downhill as well. I was reminded yesterday that she's a 6-7year old in an 11 year old's body. So it could be that everyone might be asking more than she can handle?? We just had her IEP on...
  11. Lothlorien

    Nope, not working.

    The medication merry go round. The Zyprexa made her angry all the time, instead of just half the time. Very aggressive, irritable, raging, irrational and all the other adjectives. doctor tried 2.5 mg of Prozac. Makes her hyper out of her mind. Today, her troop leader pulled me aside and told me that...
  12. flutterby

    medication questions

    We have pretty much run out of AD's to try - unless we want to try the tryciclics (sp). Nothing has helped much (Zoloft, Welbutrin, Celexa, Lexapro, etc), and Prozac made difficult child intensely depressed complete with suicidal ideation and, at one point, a note and a plan. We are currently doing a medication...
  13. J

    Lexapro side effects - do they go away?

    difficult child 2 has been taking Lexapro for almost 2 months, now. We started her at 2.5mg because she has had side effects to all the SSRI's in the past. We thought maybe some of the side effects were due to her chronic illness coming out and not the SSRI's so we are trying again. She took 2.5 mg for a...
  14. flutterby

    3 hour therapy appointment

    :faint: We didn't get home until after 10. For the last 2 hours at least (I wasn't in for the first hour), therapist was trying to convince difficult child that she does, in fact, have depression and that she needs medication. A lot of anger and crying by difficult child. Then she seemed to be listening. Whether she's...
  15. G

    Food issues

    This is going to sound really weird, but I have learned to share odd things here..lol. Do any of your kids go through like phases of only eating 1 food? Bradon does have a feeding disorder, meaning he basically starved himself from year 1-3, and we fed with a tube until 5.5. But, here we go...
  16. klmno

    bipolar questions

    For those familiar with bipolar, could a 10-11 yo be triggered into major depression (1st time), then go into a manic state for 2-3mos., then be stable for 8-9 mos., then go into major depression for 1-2 mos., then manic state for 1 mo., then appear to be cycling back and forth every 2 weeks...
  17. J

    SSRI withdrawal

    easy child was taking different SSRI's over the summer to try to get her Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) under control. She took Zoloft for a few weeks until she lost weight from it. Then she took fluvoxamine for probably 6 weeks until she was hyper and impulsive. Then she tried Paxil for 5 days and was starting to get hyper...
  18. jannie

    easy child starting zoloft today

    So--since April I've been tossing and turning regarding medications for my easy child/difficult child. He's always had issues, but not nearly as bad as difficult child so we've been less agressive in treating. Last spring we took him to an experienced psychologist. She saw symptoms of adhd/anxiety/mild depression. April 06 he...
  19. M


    Lately I've been depressed & not sleeping well. difficult child hasn't had a shower in 1 or 2 weeks and it's the usual stuff with him. I am handling him much better and he improving in behavior at school & a bit a home. husband is better at it that I am, thank the Lord. I have the holiday blahs, don't have...
  20. D

    David Update On Dr. & Awesome Letter from Justin

    Hello all my new friends.. been a crazy week, this new job has got me going and going not had a day off since Christmas day and not sure when I will be off for a day in the near future!! uggg But better than sitting at home doing nothing.... Have not seen Justin Since Christmas day, finally got...