Met Jumper's boyfriend's father and aunt at football game last night...haha. Psycho!


Well-Known Member
Marg, THANK YOU. You put things into perspective so well...but then you always do, don't you? Jumper has often said that J. tells her that his father lives through him. He is an ONLY child and expectations are extremely high. This is Dad's only chance. His new wife is unable to conceive.

Funny thing is, I've done a bit of sneaking around on the internet after I found out that Stepmom was looking up my daughter and even her friends. I found StepMom in pictures in bars. I know she's a smoker (no big deal, but the family talked like they were holier-than-thou with no vices). And, of course, I was shocked (call me naive) when Aunt first proclaimed to be a faithful Christian and then gave Jumper's sweet little friend, who is so innocent that she has never even had a date, the middle finger salute. My husband calls people like that CHRINOS (Christians in Name Only...hehe).

Back to w hat Marg said and Hao, I do think that they believe that Jumper would lure him into sex. Kids have sex at eleven in some places. Maybe Jumper's friend M. set Dad straight and eased his mind a bit. If not, well, nothing I can do about it. I wish we could sit down over coffee in a neutral place (like a restaurant) and have a good give-and-take conversation, but I don't think this family communicates that way. It's yelling and letters.

One good thing: JUmper appreciates her father and me much more. She realizes not everyone has it as good as she does. Not that we are perfect, but we always try.


One thing I've learned about Chrinos - you can't convince them of anything. If they think the sky is red, no evidence to the contrary will be accepted, regardless of how firmly established the science is.


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm not bashing Christians. I just don't like when people claim to be Christians and act like trash and treat others like trash.