Sad to say I'm back!!


New Member
I guess that is why I'm not as devestated as I usually would be. he came to me and admitted he was using and that he thinks about it 24/7 and knows he needs to do something about it. So now it's up to him what he needs to do. Time will tell!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah Karen...I figure it has been twelve or thirteen years ago that we hooked up. Maybe eight or ten since you joined me in the CD family. What a ???? I think if I had known in advance how many years we would be sucked in by our difficult child problems I probably would have run for the hills! You've gone from paint guns to heroin and back to using. I've gone from pot to booze to Traumatic Brain Injury
plus incarcerations to remote hopes of limited success. What a road we've traveled. Hugs. DDD


I don't have the history here as others do, Karen. Sorry you're "back" but glad you seem to be on track. Just reading your posts in this thread... strong woman. That's tough stuff. I'm working on it but am still not able to shut the cellphone off at night.

How many times do you hear, though, that it takes an addict to stay clean? Falling off and getting on is part of the process. Hang in.