

A maze of Grace - that about sums it up
mmm as much as I have joked that I wish I had one when difficult child's have me in a corner. I do not think they are a safe humane way to restrain a child, however that said I have had my 12 y/o wielding a knife, so I would rather an officer use a tazer then a gun or club if it came down to it.

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
Knowing what a jolt of electricity can do in the human body, nope, I'm not at all comfortable with them using tasers to restrain anyone except in extreme conditions. Still iffy on that one. But do realize police have to been able to protect themselves.

I don't think they should be used on anyone, for any reason, under the age of 18. Those brains are still in development, and I am not convinced that jolting them with electricity is such a brilliant idea.

Star, I've been zapped by an electric fence. I've never repeated the mistake. OMG that hurt all the way to the bones. Been zapped my a darn outlet many times when I was a kid.... until I learn to keep my foot away from the metal register when plugging something in. Once I got zapped so bad it thru my heart into palpatations. I was about 10, no way did I have a heart condition.

Think about it this way........Why do we invest in outlet covers to protect our kids from jolts of electricity..........And now we have tasers that might be used on kids.

I'm with Star. I think the rubber bullets are better. They hurt like the devil when you're hit with one, but no lasting damage.


Well-Known Member
That's really something to find that at Donna's prison there are all kinds of safeguards but in our world...the local yokels get to make the decisions based on how they're feeling that night. Yikes!

Do any of you all watch Cops or similar shows? If so, don't you sometimes cringe when four cops are all yelling their loudest at a suspect? "GET OUT OF THE CAR!" "PUT YOUR HANDS ON YOUR HEAD!" "LAY ON THE GROUND!"
"KEEP YOUR HANDS ON THE STEERING WHEEL" WTH??????? I sit watching and wondering...how many commands can a normal brain process in a matter of seconds? What if the person is under the influence or ill? Most of all I wonder...which command should be obeyed first before the taser comes out or you get yanked to the ground face first? I think it depends on who the Alpha Policeman is at the scene.

I also wonder. In England do the Bobbies still manage to control crime using a simple nightstick and no weapons?

No reason to give my opinion on the treatment of teens. You all already know what my beliefs are. DDD


klmno: In general using anything that inflicts pain to gain control over another person is bad practice.
Remember pepper spray? When the fact that folks who eat and handle peppers would not be effected as desired by pepper spray it dawned on me how true that is. I eat and handle hot peppers alot. I have felt the burn in my ears, up my nose and in my eyes and you know it would not result in me burying my face in a mud puddle. I like it.
The problem with any tool in the hands of law enforsement is anytime it is used casually. And those officers are sometimes just all pumped up and intolerant.
In terms of our children who are hopefully going to live through this phase of needing authority to intimidate them into sane and rational sencible behavoir....when a uniform shows up all pressed and shining shoes with the weapons NOT raising the ire and getting tazed, or billy sticked or directed at the point of a gun IS THE POINT.
The naked duranged man who was tazed and fell to his death was another example of inproper use of a tazer by police. What did the officer think would happen? The naked man was on a ledge of a building. Gravity is consistant. Tazing the man on the ledge guareenteed the man would fall. Waiting would not have assured the man would not fall. As an salaried worker, in my opinion standing there and talking to the guy was the only choice. Tazing was out of the question.