Update on Jessie's medical problem


You are a :warrior: mom!!! I'm so happy you got Jessie into the hospital and that the tests that were done came back normal.

Even though I have no medical knowledge on what could be causing Jessie's problems, I'm glad others are finding information for you. in my humble opinion, everything they've said makes sense. I know you'll investigate everything thoroughly and find out the cause ASAP!!!

Even though I don't have any advice, I just want you to know I'm keeping Jessie in my thoughts and prayers... WFEN


Oh geez...and do not hesitate to mine the brain of the pharasist either...the more heads you have digging into their resouces the sooner the tree of knowledge can kick down the tid bit that are on target. Any pediatric nurses, too, these are the ones who are handling the patients one on one and often have a excellant thoughts that may help lead the treating physician to the mark.
Best of luck and keep polishing your thinking cap especially just befor a fast and deep nap!