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  1. M

    My computer is back and so am I!

    I had to send my laptop in for repairs... again but I'm back! I'm sleep deprived, exhausted and wondering when I can start getting difficult child to apply for college :raspberry-tounge: but I'm back. We have been on ritalin for almost 3 weeks now, I don't want to start a longer term form until she gets her...
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    in-laws playing favorites?

    Mattsmom, what a wonderful idea. And I have a minivan with only the captain's chairs being used, hmm. I think we'll combine ideas a bit. husband already wants to talk to them and Im going to convince him not to snap... somehow, even if I have to go buy 2 Rockstar energy drinks to calm him down...
  3. M

    in-laws playing favorites?

    Mattsmom- how I wish that would work! They started a system like that 3 years ago, we could all spend $10-20 on birthday gifts, no more, no less. For Christmas we drew names out of a hat for adults and the limit was $40-50, but the $20 limit still stood for the kids and each adult could get each...
  4. M

    in-laws playing favorites?

    My in-laws have 5 grandkids; husband's son(7 years, lives with ex wife), our difficult child and easy child(almost 4 years old, 13 months old), and his sister's daughter(3 years) and new baby(6 months). We've seen the show of favoritism since difficult child was born, husband's son always got spoiled rotten during holidays and difficult child has...
  5. M

    husband not handling this well...

    Well we reached a breaking point on Saturday while getting ready to go to the in-laws for our niece's birthday party as a last minute decision... sDH's tandard procedure, which I hate. We were just over 2 hours late. We kept the majority of the fighting away from difficult child and easy child thanks to the Care...
  6. M

    My five year old daughter beats me up and I don't know what to do

    I just wanted to put my 2 cents in with the hold that SRL mentioned. I was taught how to restrain my daughter who is 50lbs and roughly the size of a 5-6 year old, it helps but it isn't a long-term solution. It is vital that someone shows you how to do it and tells you what to do. What I did find...
  7. M

    Verdict: ADHD, ODD and sensory issues

    At this point I'm convinced of two things; it wasn't just the coffee that was keeping her up, and the medications she was previously on (depakote, abilify, risperdal) were literally sedating her. She has been getting around 1-4 hours of sleep each night except for two nights last week. She swam for...
  8. M

    Verdict: ADHD, ODD and sensory issues

    Note to self: The negative effects of caffeine if consumed by a 3 year old after 12 pm are not worth the positive effects. difficult child was fantastic all morning and most of the afternoon until our other ADHD household member came home from work. She had a little more(1/2 cup of weak coffee) caffeine at...
  9. M

    Verdict: ADHD, ODD and sensory issues

    Umm...ok I think I'm in shock here. The psychologist and a friend of mine who is a Special Education teacher both suggested giving difficult child a little caffeine to see what she does. husband drinks an energy drink before going to my parents simply to calm himself down so he doesn't drive them up a wall so I figured...
  10. M

    Verdict: ADHD, ODD and sensory issues

    Marg, Thanks for the info. Everyone who has seen difficult child thus far seems to believe most of her speech issues come from a series of ear infections she had for 8 months as well as the stress she's had and they are convinced that she doesn't fall on any spectrum of Autism. Trust me, it's been looked...
  11. M

    Verdict: ADHD, ODD and sensory issues

    And if anyone has any info regarding what possible medications they may suggest for difficult child, please fill me in! I feel as if I'm totally in the dark.
  12. M

    Verdict: ADHD, ODD and sensory issues

    ...was "Hey, I understand her now!" Unfortunately he now thinks this will be a piece of cake. He's thinking once we get the magic pill she'll be *voila* normal. I guess he'll figure it out. In the meantime I appealed to him using a totally new tactic..."you know exactly what she's going through...
  13. M

    husband not handling this well...

    I'm jealous that you get to go back to work... is that more horrible to say than you can't wait to go back? :winking: Thankfully husband doesn't complain about the housework, just when I don't sit down and watch TV with him (Simpsons, really?), when I take my one hour a week to catch NCIS, or when I...
  14. M

    husband not handling this well...

    difficult child is now on half of her regular depakote and still stepping down gradually. She's up from 3-6am, which is a radical difference from her 24-72 hour periods of nearly no sleep while husband was deployed. The house is barricaded again, she's violent but not uncontrollable. Her evaluation with a...
  15. M

    Taking difficult child off medications, did I screw up?

    She was examined for any physical issues at UCLA Resnick, including an ENT and they found nothing. I'm open to repeating everything though, you never know if something was missed!
  16. M

    Taking difficult child off medications, did I screw up?

    Great news! difficult child's mental health advisor through our insurance company was able to quickly find a psychologist who only does evaluations and a developmental pediatrician. I have a parent-only meeting with the psychologist next week and difficult child will begin evaluations the following week. They told me...
  17. M

    Taking difficult child off medications, did I screw up?

    I wish benadryl worked for her! She takes up to 9mg of melatonin and that works for 4 hours... sometimes. Giving her benadryl is as effective as giving her a tic tac :( I'm going to call my mental health advisor with our insurance and find a neuropsychologist today. It's so wonderful to have somewhere...
  18. M

    Taking difficult child off medications, did I screw up?

    smallworld- I'm looking into one, without the psychiatrist's help it's hard. Trying to find a developmental pediatrician who is actually covered by our insurance to refer us. NVTS- I am convinced the diagnosis is more wrong than right. There are no other psychiatrists in town who will treat her and are covered by our...
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    Taking difficult child off medications, did I screw up?

    difficult child has been on Depakene (500mg/day) since July of last year, risperdal from July until April and Abilify (2mg/day) from April to now... well until a week ago actually. I had made the decision to remove difficult child from her medications for several reasons; finding out exactly who is under the medications, fears of...
  20. M

    Grandparent in denial

    I dealt with the same thing, still do to a degree. I tried showing them literature the hospital provided, even having them talk to the psychiatrist. My mother is more accepting after a year but my father isn't. I finally had to tell him that if he wants to know what is going on with difficult child he'll have to...