Can we talk?



WFEN - Thank you for thinking of me on that day. I'm very touched by your kindness and compassion.

Jo - You know - I can totally relate to your story. I'm so happy in my new home that I honestly haven't missed my home - the one I built - at all.

It helps that the events leading up to the move became so stressful so just moving was finally a relief. Plus, the house had just become a financial burden and it's a relief to not have that hanging over my head. I did love that house, but I think it was more about what it represented. All of my life I had been told by the men in my life that I would never amount to anything. Building that house by myself was a tangible accomplishment that proved them all wrong. Know what I mean??

We did stop by there tonight because I forgot to unplug the carbon monoxide detector and bring it. I didn't go in...sent easy child in instead. I felt a sharp pang in my heart looking at my house, but just reminded myself that I've moved on to a new chapter in my life. Took a deep breath and looked forward...


Active Member
Heather: I always keep in mind that I must always look forward because if I look behind, I'll see how big mine is and will only become very depressed!


Am sending a "virtual" big screen tv with high-def and satelite for your house warming!



call 911
We should have no regrets. The past is finished. There is nothing
to be gained by going over it. Whatever it gave us in the experiences it brought us was something we had to know.---Rebecca Beard

Hugs WG
Sometimes, we have to break before we can accept the help ~ or the love, or the minute's respite offered by someone who understands.

Once we have broken through, we understand we have been enabled to extend that grace to others.

And we begin to see everything in our world in a different way than we have, in the past.

I am glad you are feeling stronger.
