New Member
...I know its been a while but at the end of the day i just want to crash. BUT I am not sleeping... the last thing i feel like is rehashing my days..... until now.......
apart from trying to slice his wrists with bits of broken plastic difficult child has also worked out you can choke urself with a phone cord difficult child has tried doing this to self and sister...we have been seeing the paed phsyc weekly and he acts like a perfect angel with her...I could scream....He refuses to tell her what his dreams are like cause he says she will hate him ...... He has decided that whenever he gets cut he likes to drink the blood cause it tastes good and will cry if i wont let him drink mine when i am hurt......
He not only threw a brick at his sister the other day and got her across the lower back he then knocked her down the stairs(4) and threw a shovel after her which copped her again across the back... he has been knocking her around all week
He is upset that he cant fly and has been to tears over this....difficult child has been escaping the yard and going off to play without me knowing ....The school has finally seen the behaviour and i was asked to get him to stop calling the class F----ing ar--h-les...when i spoke to difficult child he said he only thought it in his head and never said it aloud ...he told me the kids are all out to get him...according to the teacher he was on the floor making noises and wouldn't do a thing she asked him and then he just started swearing at everyone......
He covered my car inside and out with mud after i cleaned it... threw mud all over my house.... has been dreaming of me slicing both his arms (just one of many dreams lately) ....he has told me when our house burns down he wants to save his marbles and then decided he would take them to nannas for safe keeping.....He has thrown every toy miss 2 has into the water batteries and all.....
he has decided he cant handle being like everyone else so is growing his hair to his waist and finger nails long. (not sure if he gets that he is a boy)..he also wants me to die his hair green...he has been talking in third person telling himself off and yelling at himself on occasion......I am sure he is two persons in one as one day he is the best kid in the world and doesn't hit me or swear at me and the next i have a monster come and stay..... He stood in his sisters room this morning and hit her roof light till it stopped working.....
I am due to see the phsyc this coming week to discuss what she thinks i need to do to keep him in line at home...... Like i can get him to do anything without him deciding to hurt himself..... I am exhausted dealing with him...I called to get respite care (so far cant find anyone in my neighborhood)and am scared of going thru with it incase he kills himself or someone else while off there...and then i will feel like the worst mum in the world......
He is so rough with his sister and i know if he hurts her badly i will find it hard to deal with He is un-medicated right now and i am trying so hard to get thru but i think i am gonna have to go get medicated soon just to get thru a weekend.....He started swimming 2 weeks ago and i have been told to get him to loosen up...what the?? (he was kicking the other kids under the water from wk 1).....
apart from trying to slice his wrists with bits of broken plastic difficult child has also worked out you can choke urself with a phone cord difficult child has tried doing this to self and sister...we have been seeing the paed phsyc weekly and he acts like a perfect angel with her...I could scream....He refuses to tell her what his dreams are like cause he says she will hate him ...... He has decided that whenever he gets cut he likes to drink the blood cause it tastes good and will cry if i wont let him drink mine when i am hurt......
He not only threw a brick at his sister the other day and got her across the lower back he then knocked her down the stairs(4) and threw a shovel after her which copped her again across the back... he has been knocking her around all week
He is upset that he cant fly and has been to tears over this....difficult child has been escaping the yard and going off to play without me knowing ....The school has finally seen the behaviour and i was asked to get him to stop calling the class F----ing ar--h-les...when i spoke to difficult child he said he only thought it in his head and never said it aloud ...he told me the kids are all out to get him...according to the teacher he was on the floor making noises and wouldn't do a thing she asked him and then he just started swearing at everyone......
He covered my car inside and out with mud after i cleaned it... threw mud all over my house.... has been dreaming of me slicing both his arms (just one of many dreams lately) ....he has told me when our house burns down he wants to save his marbles and then decided he would take them to nannas for safe keeping.....He has thrown every toy miss 2 has into the water batteries and all.....
he has decided he cant handle being like everyone else so is growing his hair to his waist and finger nails long. (not sure if he gets that he is a boy)..he also wants me to die his hair green...he has been talking in third person telling himself off and yelling at himself on occasion......I am sure he is two persons in one as one day he is the best kid in the world and doesn't hit me or swear at me and the next i have a monster come and stay..... He stood in his sisters room this morning and hit her roof light till it stopped working.....
I am due to see the phsyc this coming week to discuss what she thinks i need to do to keep him in line at home...... Like i can get him to do anything without him deciding to hurt himself..... I am exhausted dealing with him...I called to get respite care (so far cant find anyone in my neighborhood)and am scared of going thru with it incase he kills himself or someone else while off there...and then i will feel like the worst mum in the world......
He is so rough with his sister and i know if he hurts her badly i will find it hard to deal with He is un-medicated right now and i am trying so hard to get thru but i think i am gonna have to go get medicated soon just to get thru a weekend.....He started swimming 2 weeks ago and i have been told to get him to loosen up...what the?? (he was kicking the other kids under the water from wk 1).....