New Member
I cant take much more of this stress!!! I got another call from the school saying my difficult child left and was skipping and now has 4 days OSS. Nice. My stomach is sick over this. I went looking for him and found him and he ran from me! He is on PINS and he has now gotten himself in more trouble. No conseqeunce in the world seems to work with him. He just continues to mess up. He could care less who he hurts including himself. He continues to be definant and doesnt listen. I cant stand this anymore. I am tired of all the work I put in and get nothing from it. He takes Karate and I am totally thinking about taking it from him and all the "experts" say I shouldnt. He goes to counseling and I am just so sick of this. Everytime my phone rings my stomach hurts. Thank god for Sobriety! Been sober for almost 10 years. I dont know what else to do. I have tried everything, took everything away , punished him. He just doesnt care. HELP