Does anyone know about...


Well-Known Member
cross-dominance and laterality? Duckie's gymnastics instructor told her that she leads with her left side (which is weak) even though she's right-handed. How could this affect her?


Roll With It
I am not sure how much I exactly know about it, but I am not clearly left or right anything. I write right handed, but do many things, especially athletic things, left handed.

When I was in gymnastics as a child I clearly lead with my left even though my grip was stronger in my right.

Oddly enough, even when learning to read I could read right side up, wrong side up, from the back of the paper (if something was on a light box wrong side up I didn't realize it). The letters, words and sentences looked the same to me no matter how they were presented.

I was actually in driver's ed before I figured left and right out - and am still, over 20 years later, not always sure about it. I learned that left is up on the lever and right is down. Once the lever was moved I had to actually look at the signal in the car to see which way it was.

If she can work on developing strength in her left side it could make her more versatile and stronger. But that is just a guess.

I get a lot of this from my mom. She had the same left-right issues and can actually write forward with her right hand and backward with her left hand AT THE SAME TIME. And she used to be able to write different things with each hand as she did it.

Others will have suggestions to help this, I would think. Sorry I can't give more help.

timer lady

Queen of Hearts

I'm not sure of the terms you used (please forgive me). However, wm is & has been for over a year in a special form of Occupational Therapist (OT). wm's core balance is way off - he's always moving to maintain his balance.

For a year we've been working on his Occupational Therapist (OT) training to get him to a place where his body can relax. I do know that although he's right handed he tends to have more strength on the left side of his body.



Roll With It
I think this may also apply, but am NOT sure. I just remember that both my childhood bff and a neighbor we lived near at a later time were taken to some special gym classes.

They each had gone from not moving around to walking without the crawling stage. Because of the skipped crawling they had a hard time making the right arm/left leg and left arm/right leg coordination thing work.

My bff was already in dance classes and doing VERY well. They still had her go and learn how to crawl and then do exercises that helped this develop. We used to crawl around on the floor playing "vacuum cleaner" with little bits of paper or those idiotic Barbie doll shoes. We

somehow learning to crawl helped their brain development and their coordination.

I am not sure this is what you mean by laterality?

On a side note, I wonder if combining this with brushing therapy would help the brain go back to develop this?? I have NO reason to think it would, just a hmmm?? in my mind. It is known that brushing creates new ways for the brain to handle things, so maybe brushing before and after the work for this other stuff would help this also?


Well-Known Member
Thanks ladies! Duckie is such an interesting kid... she never rolled over as an infant and didn't cross her body's mid-line until age four, such as touching her right hand to her left knee. She seems to be doing better, though, except in her strength.


Former desparate mom
difficult child picked up a fork with both hands and didn't realize that you use a pencil in just one hand. He tended to be ambidexterous. He had poor hand control on both sides.
We were told when there was no dominance that neither side gained the strength and coordination to be adequate. In regards to our difficult child it has proven true. Neither side of his brain showed dominance. It was part of his "brain wrinkle" and it is part of his neurological development that is not typical. It is also a significant indicator of a learning different child.


Active Member
Handedness is not necessarily absolute. My eldest sister was born left-handed but it was in the days when they forced people to use their right hands. She developed a bad stammer and her hair fell out, my mother said. But in the end she wrote with her right hand.

Then years later another sister (who had been right-handed) was brain-damaged and switched to using her left hand. I was learning to write at about this time and copied my sister. It was just at the point where they didn't interfere (although I did get verbally criticised at school). Was I meant to be a left-hander anyway? I'm not sure. I do a lot of things right-handed, other things left-handed because I was allowed to. I can switch easily between left-brain & right-brain tasks.

husband is a right-hander, half our kids are left-handers, so I guess I do carry a gene for left-handedness, assuming it is genetic and not environmental.
