New Member
Well, I dont really even know where to begin. I am having problems with my 3yr old son. He was born 9weeks premature and spent the first month of his life in an incubator. I dont know if his prematurity has anything to do with his problems. Beside the fact that he was premature he is completely up to par with children his age and otherwise normal. Well it all started about six months ago, Bently (my son) would throw 2year old tantrums, then just recently before his third birthday they turned into violent freak outs, punching himself in the face and head, smashing his head into things, and smashing anything and anyone is sight. I do not believe in spanking or physical violence to try to control your child. So I really have no idea where this anger has come from. Over time its getting worse and worse, he refuses to let anyone even his father do anything for him, and I mean anything. EVERYTHING has to be done by ME. He is showing signs of obsessive compulsive disorder in ways of rituals, he will have complete meltdowns if everything is not done his way. An example being, if we are walking down the street from a store to the car and he realizes at the car he wanted me to carry him from the store to the car, he actually will lose it very crazily and scream to try to get me to walk all the way back into the store and then pick him up and take him to the car. Laying down in the street pulling his hair until I either drag him to the car and force him in his seat or just give in. I try not to give into these ridiculous things, but sometimes it seems its the only way to get him back to reality Its to the point where I cant even take him into public places and he wont even talk to anyone else including other children and my family. If anyone talks to him he puts on the most evilest glare and starts screaming words that dont make sense. He will not go to sleep, it literally takes 3-5hours just to put him to bed at night. I dont know what to do or where to begin getting help any advice or help would be greatly appreciated. I am exhausted.