Please we need advice and support


New Member
My husband and I are desperate to find a place of support. Since we adopted our son 16 years ago, we have struggled with him in many ways. His birth parents were both abusive and had addiction issues. Mom had no prenatal care and took cocaine to get through delivering our son. Once born, he was taken from her and in and out of friends homes or foster care until just before age 2 when he came to us.

As educators, we recognized lots of issues: developmental, emotional, sensory stem issues, etc. He had no boundaries and was wild. We worried we were can capable as older adults to handle him but we found a group a professionals to help with all his issues and by age 3, no one could even tell he experienced such hell.

He did have anxiety, ADD, sleep issues, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). We managed just fine until 6th grade. Video games consumed him. Getting him to stop playing was like fighting a war. We ended up having to destroy several gaming systems and he hated us for doing it. However, they consumed him. Without games, he then was introduced to porn from a minister's child and then that became all consuming. When we discovered that issue (he was looking it up on his Daddy's phone and on the home computer), we were so disgusted - XXX PORN- we spanked him and put parental controls on everything at home. During COVID, he just became unbearable. When school started back, we had given him a cellphone because of soccer and he started on SNAPCHAT AND TIKTOK. He was addicted within 2 days. Within 6 months any time we took the phone, he fought us, threatened us, hit us, and we fought back to protect ourselves. We contacted the police 15 times and they did nothing. At this point, he felt he could do anything to us without consequences. Finally, when he busted in our French doors and dared me to call police and choked me, we called the Police. We filed charges and he went to a psychiatric unit and then a behavioral hospital. He begged us to come get him but we couldn't. When his stay was over, we picked him up and I. The highway home he asked for his phone. When we said no, he grabbed the wheel and tried to crash the car. We called police again and they did nothing. Within 3 months, he had assaulted us again and was in Department of Juvenile Justice. He was on probation for 9 months and could have no phone. He bought one and we found it and he violated probation and it was increased and extended. Luckily he had a better probation officer and he completed his probation that same year. However, once he finished probation, he got his phone back.

Although the physical violence stopped, the bad behavior hasn't. He started having sex- at 15 both at our house and in a movie theatre. He would start a job and quit within 2 months. When he didn't get his way, he would refuse to go to school or work. He didn't do his school work, lied constantly, and we lived on guard.
At this point, my husband and I made a promise: if we can get him to 18 alive, without an STD, no other issues with the law, and can get him to graduate high school, we will pay for his juvenile record to be expunged. If he turns his life around, we will pay for college.
We had better periods of time. But, when he didn't get his way, there were threats of not going to school, not doing work, running away, etc. He totaled 2 cars in 11 months during his Junior year and girls h was seeing tried to get me fired (I teach at his school) twice.

We yelled everyday. We tried contracts, therapy, reward system, etc. NOTHING WORKED! He got involved in a mission group at church and we saw some positive changes. Then when Senior year started, he made all A's and we only had sporadic issues. When he totaled his 2nd car, we had to take him everywhere. He had and quit 3 jobs. He apparently started vaping, smoking pot, drinking, and sleeping around again.

We just laid down the law and said- once you turn 18, you can either move out, get kicked out or do what is necessary and graduate and we will get you another car.

Again we had minor issues here and there but he went to school, passed classes and was great. Turned 18 and it went to Hell.

This is where we are now. He graduated, we completed the expungement process, and he was18 and we thought going to college. What a joke. Everything was fine with him and he got his new car and went to the beach for a week with his friend.

When they got back from the beach, he just refused to keep his phone charged, wouldn't answer our texts and calls, snuck out with his college roommate who was staying with us, stole beer and liquor and brought it back to our house and got drunk. Then we found out he was sleeping around with 2-3 different girls and started sports betting and had lost $2000.

We told him before he graduated that to live with us and for us to pay for college he had to follow house rules or he would have 30 days to get out.

Last Thursday he just basically said "I'm 18 and you can tell me what to do. It's my life and I'm going to do what I want."

So we told him to pack up his stuff and get out. I called the police and asked them to be present while he gathered his things. We told him we would pay for his car insurance and phone until Christmas, we gave him $160 in cash, $5 in quarters to wash his clothes, and paid $1600 for him to stay at the Comfort Inn at Westgate to be close to his work for 15 days. We told him to get his mind straight and if he would follow house rules he could come home on June 21.

Well, he didn't show up for work, was removed from the work schedule, is staying out all night with girls, sports gambling, and claims he never wants to come home again and will live in his car or hang with friends until he can afford an apartment.

We told him we were coming to get his car (it's in his daddy's name) so he turned off Life 360. His Daddy just got fed up, called him and sold him the car for $1000.

Life 360 is still off and he told us yesterday that all of this was our fault because we want to control him and this is what we get for being terrible, crazy and bipolar as parents.

I need advice. Please help. We cannot do this anymore. We have told him that if he can follow our house rules he can come home until he can afford an apartment (with a time limit) or go to college and we will pay a month at a time.

This is a list of our house rules that he says "control him" that he will not follow. Tell me what you think.

Keep phone charged
Keep Life 360 on at all times
No sex, drugs, alcohol, on property or in house
Follow curfew- 12 Sunday-Thurs and 12:30 Fri-Sat or we can arrange later
Keep room, clothes, towels, sheets clean
Clean bathroom
Clean up your own dishes
Pay car insurance
No sports betting
Work 20-25 hours per week
Pay your own gas and use your own money for going out.
Show respect and appreciation
Don't drive/ride with people who are drunk or high
If sexually active use protection
Save your money
We need to know who you are with and where you are
If you are coming in after curfew or are not able to drive home, call and let us know.

Are these unreasonable?

We spoke to him yesterday or tried to and
Now He refuses to even speak to us. At least we offered for him to come back if he has no place to stay. But he says he is not coming back. He has been going around telling everybody he is homeless which isn't true. We put him up in a hotel for 2 weeks and for what, he quit working, has been sports betting, drinking, and sleeping around.

He has spoken to all family members and says he doesn't care. He says he is in control and has the power now.
He claims we will never know where he is. I mean seriously what we were supposed to do?

I can't live this way. He was even meeting girls at the top of our driveway during the middle of the night before we made his pack and leave.

Our therapist said he has to see that his way won't work like he thinks.

I just don't see any way around making him leave. And no, I guess he has no plans for college. He just wants easy money, to do what he wants and have no responsibilities. He says all his friends parents think we are evil people to kick him out for "just being a typical 18 year old." He said the parents of the kid he went to the beach with said we are abusive because during those severe storms last week, he wouldn't charge his phone and was down to 15%. He wouldn't answer calls or texts. We found him on Life 360 and pulled up behind him and his friend. I got out of the car, banged on his window and told him to charge his phone. He said, No! I said open the door, he did and I jerked the phone out of his hand and said "charge the damn phone now like you were asked." He laughed and his friend was so upset he asked to go home. Then he said my friend thinks you are insane and won't speak to me now. I told him- when we ask you to do something it's for SAFETY. And we don't care that you are 18. We will do what is necessary and if it embarrasses you that is tough. Follow the rules or park the car.

Are we crazy? We are just fed up. Please help us!!!!


Well-Known Member

You and you your husband have done enough for your son at this point in my opinion.
It sounds to me like you have tried to fix what is broken in your son. Unfortunately, you can’t.

Your son is telling you he wants to live his life on his terms. Let him. You and your husband are not terrible parents but it almost sounds like you are begging him to straighten up. All the power is with him.

It also sounds to me like you and your husband have given enough. Tried hard enough etc. done everything humanly possible to help your son as you see fit.
But he doesn’t want your help. He doesn’t even appreciate one once of it!

My advice is to let him go and get a new counselor that helps you care for your own lives instead of your sons.

You have nothing to prove anymore. He is 18. You have executed and done your job.
The results are not in yours hands.
Let him go his way and gain life’s experiences and consequences.

Be done.


New Member
Dear lovemysons:
I wasn't sure if anyone would actually respond. We really have tried. We haven't been perfect. We have tried spanking, tine outs- removing privileges. All we do is yell and try and reason with him. We've made over 20 contracts with him and he has broken each one. Its never what he has done and he OWNS NONE of his own behavior. As a teacher, he has the ability to make my life hell because my district is very conservative and "kids and parents are always first." Our son actually said to us on during a phone call while we were with a new therapist, "I won $250 sports betting, I have enough money and I just didn't feel like going to work. I mean I have no way to wash my clothes (we gave him quarters to use the laundry facility at the hotel)."
When he said that, I realized, HE ISN'T GETTING IT AND HE DOESN"T WANT TO. Our new therapist suggested he was a Narcissist, I am just tired of being demonized by him.

I devoted my life to him being MORE than who his birth parents were. I wanted for him to have a life and be a person he could be proud of. We had to tell him a few months ago that his birth parents both died - one in a DUI and the other from drug relayed hepatitis. My husband's brother also just passed due to alcoholism. We just keep trying to tell him that he is better than their mistakes and that he was the ONE mistake his birthparents didn't make and that he IS WORTHY AND CAPABLE.

Its just all about control with him and how we are trying to control him and ruin his life. I just don't understand his thought process. We have apologized for our mistakes as parents (we've made numerous we would love to take back. We have asked his forgiveness).

But even if he did come home, how would I ever trust him? How can we have a relationship with him? I'm torn by anger and fear. I thought I was miserable when he was in Department of Juvenile Justice but its nothing like it is now.

I so appreciate your encouragement and opinion. I hope you respond and that others take the time to give their views as well. We have just been alienated from friends and some family for "enabling and doing too much" that we have no one to talk to.

Thank you so much.


Well-Known Member
Sweetie your son has been your project for long enough. You have been obsessed trying to prove your own value with your son.
You have done your job. It is time for him to do his.

It sounds to me like you have given your son the tools and the warning! The work now is up to him.

Seriously..let him go. Let him have his own way for awhile and see how that works out for him. Quit trying to fix his mistakes and control his actions. He only resents you for it.

He needs to learn what his own will leads to and pay the consequences for it without your help. Or…maybe he’ll surprise you and actually make something of himself without your help.

Like I said before…you have executed. You have done your job. The results are not in your hands. And not a result of what you have or haven’t done.

Keep posting. I’m glad you found us. Others will be along soon.


New Member
Sweetie your son has been your project for long enough. You have been obsessed trying to prove your own value with your son.
You have done your job. It is time for him to do his.

It sounds to me like you have given your son the tools and the warning! The work now is up to him.

Seriously..let him go. Let him have his own way for awhile and see how that works out for him. Quit trying to fix his mistakes and control his actions. He only resents you for it.

He needs to learn what his own will leads to and pay the consequences for it without your help. Or…maybe he’ll surprise you and actually make something of himself without your help.

Like I said before…you have executed. You have done your job. The results are not in your hands. And not a result of what you have or haven’t done.

Keep posting. I’m glad you found us. Others will be along soon.
I needed to hear from someone outside our situation that it's ok to stop. I have lost myself and my husband has, too! I wanted to call my son but have decided NOT TO DO ANYTHING ELSE. The ball of life is in His court. Thank you!


Well-Known Member
20 contracts? And trying to do one more contract? If you are paying for his phone, stop. Have you found the car? Either take it back or put it in his name. No way would I want to have that liability.

I would have very little contact for a while. Wish him luck and tell him he is smart enough to figure it out. I wouldn't promise future help if he promises anything. I would ask an agency like Salvation Army for information on community shelters, food banks, etc and if he needs a place to stay or eat, give him the information.

I would say that "what all of us have done in the past doesn't seem like it was good for any of us. So we will pray and encourage you as you figure out your future. And hopefully, after we have all had time to breath and heal, we can work out what our future relationship might be. And I do hope we can have a future."

Then I would get a good therapist for you and hubby to work thru all this. Also, groups like AlAnon or NarAnon can help you learn to set boundaries. And you need to start adding outside interests or hobbies to fill up the time you used to devote to son.

You did all you could. Now is the time to step back. To plan a different future for you and hubby. If son has a key, change the locks.

I'm going to post a link about detachment that is on this website. Read it every day.

Also, if your son gets in a bind, have some phrases ready so you don't go in to rescue mode. "That sounds like a difficult decision. But I'm sure you will figure it out." "Please call back in a few days and let us know what you decided."



Well-Known Member

Best info on detaching! Hugs. Ksm


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Hello and welcome. First off, what is Life 360?
Our child, who happens to be adopted, displayed and displays similar behavior. We only found out in recent years that there is much mental illness and drug abuse in her bio family. How old is your son currently? We came to a breaking point a few years ago after many years of very bad turmoil, very little to no remorse or gratefulness for repeated forgiveness help and generosity. We currently have a somewhat strained relationship with many boundaries in place. We do help her with what we consider essentials like her cell phone and medical care. Boundaries and detachment are essential in these profoundly difficult situations. The various Anonymous groups can be a lifesaver. We went to a families Anonymous and it was very helpful. It’s ok to greatly pull back…even stop.


Well-Known Member
Life360 is an app we used with our DGD. It let us see where she went, and even where car was. I think we could look at it and even see a map of all the places she had been. But, she would turn it off, turn off the phone, or leave the phone turned on, and had even hid her phone outside her job! She would tell us she was working late, we would check, but she had actually left with friends and hid her phone! Then I had a GPS on the car we occasionally let her use. We'll she figured that out too, and would unplug it from the steering column.

So then she just didn't get to use our car or even buy one with her own money until she graduated high school.. She totalled it 6 weeks later.

They can get around EVERTHING!



New Member

Best info on detaching! Hugs. Ksm
Wow! My husband and I both read the article. We are printing these pages and reading them again. It was hard to read but all the questions have run through my own head. Today is the first day we haven't spoken to him and we promised each other we would have no contact through Friday to see what he does. He received some graduation gifts so we are just dropping them off where he is staying but are NOT GOING TO SEE HIM. If we don't distance ourselves, he won't believe we are committed and won't accept anything other than he follow our rules if he ever wants to come home.

Also LIFE 360 is a family sharing app that has driving alerts if you have an accident, has 911 link, and location sharing. It also sends reminders to charge a phone, bad weather, love, call home, etc.


Well-Known Member
Finally, when he busted in our French doors and dared me to call police and choked me, we called the Police. We filed charges and he went to a psychiatric unit and then a behavioral hospital. He begged us to come get him but we couldn't. When his stay was over, we picked him up and I. The highway home he asked for his phone. When we said no, he grabbed the wheel and tried to crash the car.
This is horrible!
car (it's in his daddy's name)
Daddy just got fed up, called him and sold him the car for $1000.
Mistake corrected. Good!
He claims we will never know where he is. I mean seriously what we were supposed to do?
You did so much. I agree with everybody else. Let him say whatever he wants. Sticks and stones...
I just don't see any way around making him leave.
I don't either.

My adopted son had pretty much the same life as yours did. Except he was placed in a crisis shelter at 2 weeks old. I brought him home just before he was 2 years old. He flourished as did yours. Things didn't fall apart until he was about 20. He is 35 now homeless and chronically mentally ill. It's heartbreaking for me.. I've been here 9 years (on this site) trying to deal with this.

In my mind you couldn't have done more. My son was not violent to me. But I grew scared of him. For the longest time, I felt it was my responsibility to fix him, fix the situation, and do whatever could be done to intervene to turn things around. The only thing that stopped me was eventually I broke down. I had to face I would lose myself and my life if I did not stop sacrificing myself to a cause I could not control. I had to accept that my life had value just as he did. And I was not worth sacrificing.

But the reality was that nothing I did had any real positive effect, except my son felt entitled, and became manipulative and dependent. I had created a monster. My son was the loveliest, sweetest most beautiful child and adolescent.

I think you have been marvelous parents. And you are worth saving. Too many times your child exposed you to danger. Enough is enough.
Either he learns to live well or he doesn't. But now he sails his own boat. And funds it too.

What I want to say to you is this: nothing here is your fault. Our children suffered greatly in a way that they did not deserve. We did the best we could to nurture and love them, and to allow them to live well. To believe that we can make them all better from what they suffered in utero and as infants is a fantasy. That does not mean your son can't get through this, learn, and accept himself and his life. He can. But this is his work, not yours. Our situations are not like our friends' where everything is a straight shot. It's just not. But that doesn't mean we did anything wrong.

I would urge you to step back, and fo focus on yourselves, and healing. You've been through a lot. Welcome.

PS We did more than 20 contracts because I would never learn.. My son only ever wanted what he wanted. Conditions don't work. Your contract is reasonable, but to your son it's bullshit. He is not invested in solving things. He's invested in doing what he wants when he wants it. That's okay and it's age-appropriate. You just need to get out of his way. Please listen to him. You; 've done more than enough. At great cost, emotionally, financially, at the cost of yourselves. That is too much to pay. It's enough already. Listen to your son. Back off! Take care of yourselves.

PSS I agree. You're doing great! This is hard.
Last edited:


New Member
I'm feeling better than I have in a while. We feel so alone and isolated but now we have a place where people actually have lived our truth. He will forever be my baby and I can look at him and my heart just fills with so many mixed emotions. His aunt is trying to meet with him to discuss her son (who made many of the same mistakes). Our family and s trying to rally and give him support. He goes for an orientation at a plant where he would work 12 hour shifts for $19 and hour 5 days a week. He has never worked more than 6 hours in a day and only at restaurants. He continues to sports bet and only has $700 in his bank. We are trying to come to terms with HIS CHOICE. But we are standing firm in our rules and if he chooses NOT TO COME HOME, he can navigate life his way.


Well-Known Member
No doubt you will have your son questioning what in the world is going on if you start behaving differently towards him…and for yourselves. He may even be able to lay down his power struggle with you and his dad long enough to think about his life and what he is going to do about it.

One step at a time. You’ve been wrapped around your son’s little finger for a long long time. Change will take awhile to adjust to.


Well-Known Member
0 contracts? And trying to do one more contract? If you are paying for his phone, stop. Have you found the car? Either take it back or put it in his name. No way would I want to have that liability.

I would have very little contact for a while. Wish him luck and tell him he is smart enough to figure it out. I wouldn't promise future help if he promises anything. I would ask an agency like Salvation Army for information on community shelters, food banks, etc and if he needs a place to stay or eat, give him the information.

I would say that "what all of us have done in the past doesn't seem like it was good for any of us. So we will pray and encourage you as you figure out your future. And hopefully, after we have all had time to breath and heal, we can work out what our future relationship might be. And I do hope we can have a future."

Then I would get a good therapist for you and hubby to work thru all this. Also, groups like AlAnon or NarAnon can help you learn to set boundaries. And you need to start adding outside interests or hobbies to fill up the time you used to devote to son.

You did all you could. Now is the time to step back. To plan a different future for you and hubby. If son has a key, change the l
I agree with everything everyone else has said. What KSM says here was spot-on and put very concisely. You and your husband have done everything and more that could be done. He does not want the help you have given him.

It's time for you and your husband to step back and take care of yourselves. You have been through trauma with this child and you need to put some space between yourselves and him and allow him to figure things out on his own.

Our oldest son is adopted, 34yo. We have been struggling with him since he was about 22 or so. He is currently addicted to fentanyl and is homeless across the country in Phoenix. He has no phone and no i.d. and we have no idea where he is. We have filed a half dozen missing persons' reports with the police, who come into contact with him when he shoplifts and they have informed him that there is a missing persons' report on him and that he should contact his parents. I just filed another one two weeks ago. Still no contact from him. I have come to the point where I realize he may never contact us. Over the last 12 years, we spent a lot of money, time, and energy trying to help him, and it all came to nothing. We were not perfect parents, but we were involved, engaged, affectionate, and loving parents. Now it appears he has walked away from us without a backward glance.

I tell you this in the hope that you and your husband will not waste any more years of your life, your health, your finances, and your relationships for someone who clearly has no interest in be helped or has gratitude for what you have done for him. Destroying yourselves will not help your son. Put a stop to it now. Pray for him and never stop praying, but you need to let go. Sorry to be so blunt. I'm glad you've found this website. I come to it everyday, and it helps so much. There are very caring and wise people here, and I thank God for them.


Well-Known Member
Beta and all…my husband and I helped our son Jarod in every way shape or form. Me especially. He was my project child because he was the middle child and I had read the statistics when he was young in on middle children. Plus…he was just different from our other 2.
He had bursts of anger as a child. He was our introvert while his older brother was outgoing. He was artistic and fascinated by the weather. He watched the weather channel at age 10 lol and could read weather models from all over the world. He also showed very low energy and would not put a lot of effort into work. It was even hard to get him to shower properly as a child!
He loved legos though. He and I would spend hours on the floor in the living room building Lego creations. But then after we would have a model built and he would get angry about something, he would destroy our Lego creations. 😞

Our son got involved with drugs after following in his older brother’s footsteps at around age 13. We put them both in rehab for 4-6 months. School was interrupted. My husband tried to help homeschool him but we still had problems with his behavior.
He was eventually diagnosed with Bipolar disorder. We tried medications but they didn’t work.

Eventually when he turned 18 and got his girlfriend pregnant, he married her and joined the Army. That lasted 15 months. He was discharged (with a general honorable discharge) for substance abuse.

After that he and his wife moved in with us and they had another child. Work was sketchy if at all. He began using opioids and drinking a lot. We couldn’t live like this and they moved in with wife’s mother. They went on to have a third child.

His wife and he decided to go blizzard chasing in Amarillo Texas and he got suicidal at the same time so his wife called 911 at the hotel they were staying in. The ambulance took him to the emergency room. They had no psychiatric beds available. The police were there and my son felt disrespected by them so he ended up spitting on them. He was then taken to jail and beat up by the police. He was charged with harassment of a public servant. A felony. He was sent to prison for over a year.

After that he returned to his mother in laws with his wife and 3 children. He got a job and worked for a year but also got involved with Meth. His wife kicked him out once the job he had fired him for his drug abuse.

His wife quickly got involved with another man she had been secretly engaging with online. She moved in with him and got pregnant right away. While our son was now homeless.

We took Jarod in several times throughout those years of on again off again homelessness. My husband tried to help him with jobs while I tried to help him with psychiatrists and being his advocate and best friend.

When he was homeless and hooked on Meth he would often become psychotic and up in a hospital. I can’t tell you how many hospitals he went to. Too many to count.

His wife ended up getting kicked out of the man’s house she was in after she too got hooked on Meth and started fighting with him.
Within 2 years she was pregnant a 5th time. Living with her mom where she still is today with our 3 grandchildren and 2 other sons.

My sweet sensitive son with the drug addiction problems didn’t make it. He was homeless in California 2 years ago on Thanksgiving when he died with Meth in his system after being hit by an unlicensed driver on the highway. He was alone when he died. No shoes on his feet at 4:50am. 3 dollars to his name and a few cigarettes.

I don’t know why I felt compelled to write his story this morning. Sometimes I just need to think about his life and all that he went through. All that we went through.

I miss him so much. I tried so hard to love his pain away. To fix him. He was so loving to me. He even thanked me the week before he died for bringing him into this world and having him. Can you imagine. He is homeless in the streets and is thanking his mom for bringing him into this world.

I have to keep his memory alive. He mattered. His life had meaning. He brought 3 beautiful children into this world. He loved them so much. The only thing I think he was proud of.

I don’t regret anything I did for my son. But I will say my husband and I paid a heavy price. I had a psychotic breakdown, got shingles, had to be hospitalized. My husband lost tons of sleep and money. I was in severe depression for many of those years.

My son’s death comes with some relief now as sad as that is to say. We are no longer suffering along side our son. Our son is at peace now and has a new body and a new home. No more angst. No more dreadful calls or experiences for any of us.

So many years spent on addiction and its trauma and problems are over for us now.
Left only with wishing things/life could’ve been different for our son, for his children and for us. Memories of sweeter times. The times when he was sober or as a young child.

Mama misses you Jarod and will love you always. Hugs to heaven.

I pray for peace to come to all members of our our conduct disorders board. Be at peace with yourselves. Know that you have done your best with the most difficult of situations. Be grateful for what you can be grateful for today.
And keep loving yourselves and your children as you pray for their eventual peace.

Love, LMS


Hi Pettymd, and welcome. Your son’s background is nearly identical to my adopted son’s.

You have received such great advice here and you seem to be taking it so well. It‘s obvious you’re ready for a change, and realize it has to come from you if your son is not willing.

My advice to you is to try not to have expectations of what will happen, ie., when you take everything away and stop contact, he will finally come around, come home and follow the rules, etc. In my five years of being on this forum, I have known very few parents whose children have done that. What they usually do, especially if there are drugs involved, is come back home, take advantage of all the opportunities you provide, but continue to sneak, manipulate, and break the rules.

Many of these kids, my own (now deceased) included, would rather live on the streets than in the loving home in which they were raised. They can’t do drugs in the home, and once they start taking drugs that becomes their focus. It hurts to say this but unfortunately, the pull of drugs and/or alcohol with addicts is stronger than even familial relationships. Our addicted kids become different people.

In addition I would suggest no more money on anything major like cars or college. If he is doing drugs you don’t need that liability. Not even paying for insurance. Everything should be in his name, not yours. And he is obviously not ready for college. He may never be, and you have to be ok with that. I had to come to terms with that with my own son. I hate to say this, but at one point, I would have been happy if he could just keep a dishwashing job. But why waste money on something that right now he obviously has no interest in? He needs to mature; give him time and space. College, trade school or something else can come later if he chooses.

Please continue to post here. There are such good parents here who have done just what you have to no avail. That is not to say your son can’t change but most 18 year olds are not “there” yet, especially if there are drugs involved. So, it might be long road but keep coming here, try to follow the advice from those who have been in the trenches a lot longer—they know what they’re talking about and are trying to save you further heartache, expense, anger and guilt.

You deserve a good life and it sounds like you’re on the way to getting it!

Sending hugs and prayers.


LMS, apparently we were posting at the same time…it’s rare that there are two posts in a row from mothers who have lost their kids, but here we are. I, too, let my own health go because my son had so many issues, and it was doctor appointment after doctor appointment, counselors, behavioral therapy, alternative therapy, rehab—you name it. And I am trying to catch up now and take care of myself and my health.

But there are probably few mothers here who haven’t done the same thing with a special needs child. It’s what we do. And when I think that after all that hard work trying to save him, he only made it to 23 years, it’s heartbreaking. But I am at peace, because he always knew he was loved. I saw him just 3 days before he died, and I made it very clear. And he loved us back. So, although it was a short time to have my son, I feel like I did my job.

Sometimes I had to meet my son where he was, so to speak. He couldn’t live with us due to past behaviors but he respected that and was still able to show us love. That kind of arrangement is not possible with every child, I realize due to personality differences, mental illness, etc. but in his case I was fortunate in that respect.

My advice is to step back, give them over to God, pray for them, and don’t try to change them. They are adults and will do what they will do. But if at all possible, do let them know that no matter what…through good times and bad…You love them.
