Janet, I think if a child misbehaves that much, and is so young, it is probably going to take some good help rather than a spanking. That's my opinion and it is what I did. My son was no peach, trust me on that. He was more subtle, but far from any better. Nobody threatened to shoot him (that didn't happen in our area), however many banned him from playing with their children and teachers just hated him.
My son spent most of high school trying not to go to school at all, even though he has a very high IQ. High school was a really scary time for me and 36!!! Yikers!!! He only lasted at home a few years after high school. I get where you are coming from and maybe if I had had corporal punishment used on me, it would have been my feelings to use it as well. God knows, many parents would have! I think it helped him though that I didn't, especially in regards to parenting his own child. Just like me, his go-to reaction for discipline is not to hit him. Considering how angry 36 can get with anyone but his son, that is in my opinion a miracle.
As for our country and corporal punishment...the truth is, we are the only developed country that allows it to the extent that we do and I don't think that says much for us, really. At any rate, Adrian Peterson did not spank his child. He beat him because his son did something annoying to his brother. Peterson also had another abuse charge on another child of his...it was deemed unfounded, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen...just that it couldn't be proven. This child he is currently charged with abuse on has been seen by a doctor who did say it is abuse. I am glad the NFL is taking action. I know they are only taking action because of the sponsors threatening to pull out...lol...but, hey, good for the sponsors (at least in my eyes).
Janet, Sig is right though. There are plenty of abusers who are not in the limelight and who don't get caught. It is a big problem. My way of thinking is, if it's not ok to assault a woman (and, at one time, it was common), it is not ok to hit a much smaller little human being either. But it is ok to agree to disagree. I really don't consider normal spanking abuse. I just wouldn't do it myself, that's all. It is not something I have ever been comfortable doing myself. I know other people spank and it really doesn't bother me at all unless it moves from spanking to beating. There's a huge difference.
Janet, I do not consider you a child abuser. We had different rather unpleasant upbringings in different states and maybe were brought up with different types of not-so-great parents, but with all our mental health issues we are actually not that different and I respect you a great deal. You have overcome a lot and your boys and grandkids adore you.