Fun beliefs Quiz


Well-Known Member
My results listed 27 different faiths, but I scored 100% for the faith I practice. Thanks, Allan. That was good food for thought.
(Let's just not get into a discussion/debate of various religions!)


Former desparate mom
I fit 27 different faiths.
My birth faith isn't high up there, which isn't a surprise.
Liberal Quaker is number 2. I sort of like the sound of that but don't really know what that means.


Active Member
allan, I did the quiz but it didnt give me any response when I hit that.
there also seemed to be questions that none of the answers seemed to fit my belief. however, I did see frequently the choice to see if I am paying too much for auto insurance. :wink:


Well-Known Member
The ones I agreed with 70% or more were]
1. Liberal Quakers (100%)
2. Unitarian Universalism (98%)
3. Reform Judaism (97%)
4. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (90%)
5. Neo-Pagan (83%)
6. Bahá'í Faith (79%)
7. Mahayana Buddhism (73%)
That's pretty interesting.


Former desparate mom
mutt, you and I will have to find a church that fits our beliefs. LOL I had the same two except reversed as my first two choices.


call 911
I got nothing also....but this was an interesting question. Speaking of beliefs.

At the hospital this time not joking, one of the questions that was asked BEFORE difficult child underwent surgery was did we have any problems due to practicing cult or Satanic ties with being cut upon? After I picked my teeth up off the floor and wiped my tongue with a sani-wipe, I asked her had she ever been told yes. She could not answer based on the privacy act of HIPPA. WOW!


Well-Known Member
This disclaimer cracked me up:

"Warning: Belief-O-Matic™ assumes no legal liability for the ultimate fate of your soul."


Well-Known Member
Nothing like a lapsed Catholic. Catholicism came in 27th for me... What, me skeptical?

Quaker was third. Whodathunk that Nixon and I had so much in common?


New Member
well I was raised RC but it didn't even come up LOL here is my top 7.

1. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (100%)
2. Orthodox Quaker (99%)
3. Bahá'í Faith (93%)
4. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (88%)
5. Liberal Quakers (85%)
6. Unitarian Universalism (80%)
7. Orthodox Judaism (79%)


Active Member
This was interesting - thanks, Allen. Especially after my friendly housekeeper yesterday called me a heretic. I guess by his standards I am - someone somewhere is going to have standards by which each one of us would qualify as heretic.

I scored 100% for Liberal Protestant. Surprisingly (to me) I scored 90% for Orthodox Quaker, higher than Liberal Quaker (83%). I didn't think I was orthodox in anything!

And sorry, Allen - I only scored 45% for Orthodox Judaism, although I did score 68% for Reform Judaism and 55% for Eastern Orthodox.

Did anyone go back and check the details of their higher-scoring religions? Or their lowest-scoring?

I'm definitely passing this website onto my housekeeper!

And Fran, about starting our own church - it reminded me of a comedy show in Australia back in 1976. There was a running gag about a bloke who was trying to make money by starting his own religion. He's decided to worship the Goddess of Sticky Situations - Aral-dite-ee (ie Araldite - do you guys have that glue ini the US?)

I was talking to difficult child 1 about this quiz and how many lapsed Catholics there seemed to be - he wanted to know first how you defined a lapsed Catholic, and second, why does it seem there are so many of them? For a difficult child with social issues, he's a really deep thinker.



Fran and Mutt,

We have a lot in common--I came up with 27 which is unbelievable--especially the ones at the bottom that I radically disagree with.

I was
100% for Unitarian-Universalist
98% for Pacifist Quaker
93% for Secular Humanist

Here I thought I would come up as an Ethical Humanist and it isn't even on the list. I do not understand how I could score higher as a Quaker than as a Humanist but I am happy to be hanging out with Fran and Mutt.



Former desparate mom
Marguerite, we don't have that glue that I know of but sounds like a funny sitcom.
It's a funny quiz especially since I have no idea what most of the sects are. Here I thought I was unique. LOL.

I don't think there are lapsed anything,Marguerite. Just dormant. (this is all joking on my part so don't get your panties in a twist)


Active Member
What panties?

Seriously though, "lapsed" vs "dormant" - an interesting concept. How about "completely overturned, kicked through the barn door and disappearing over the hills"? I've met a few of those, also.

To each his own (with apologies to my housekeeper - I'm dying to know what HE scores, assuming he still is permitting his family to own a computer).

OK, now I'm just being snaky. But it's fun!


hearts and roses

Mind Reader
Born Catholic, but came out Pagan, then Untiarian-Universalist, which suits me just fine.

I feel I am one with nature and it's okay. Haha- :rofl:


(the future) MRS. GERE
My top 5. Interesting mix.

1. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (100%)
2. Reform Judaism (99%)
3. Liberal Quakers (83%)
4. Unitarian Universalism (80%)
5. Orthodox Judaism (69%)



Well-Known Member
guess I'm an orthodox Quaker.

I do know of a Quaker church, but never thought to even check it out. Weird.

Thanks Allan. Definitely interesting stuff.