Good Sunday Morning!


Well-Known Member
Happy Easter to those that celebrate. :angel:
I'm starting this thread way early (it's midnight here) because I got in from the Easter Vigil evening service not too long ago. I'm pretty wiped out so I may not be on later in the day.
Duckie was really funny in the afternoon. She announced that she wished to get to bed early, 6pm, so that she will be well rested for when the Easter Bunny comes. :rofl: I'm going to need a lot of coffee when I wake up. :coffee:
Have a great day! :kisses:


Active Member
Happy Easter! My, you ARE early! It's early afternoon here, easy child & BF1 have just arrived from Newcastle and we're getting organised to begin our Easter dinner tonight at mother in law's. After her week in hospital, she needs a house full of grandkids to feel alive.

We've only been back from church for an hour. We hadn't planned to stay there for lunch but one bloke brought a whole side of smoked salmon for a special treat. Fabulous! It was to celebrate his baptism, a year ago today. (We have the option of adult baptism, in the biggest baptismal font in the world - the Pacific Ocean!) We sat there eating smoked salmon and looking at the water, for some reason full of boats today. A lot of sailing boats have moored there overnight and the sea is very calm. It was a beautiful picture. difficult child 1 came home on the boat and met us there for a ride home.

So I have all my kids home for Easter. Only for a few hours, but it's lovely.

Enjoy your day, everyone.



Well-Known Member
Happy Easter everyone!

I am happy today even if I havent yet gone to

We have Keyana back under our roof again tonite after she had been missing in action for 3 days. Her mom took off without telling anyone where she was going and no one could find her so we were all in a panic. Can anyone spell irresponsible? The weather turned very cold and the baby didnt even have her warm clothes. Cory was livid! The baby finally turned up at the other grandmas and she called Cory to come pick her up. So we have her back with a full case of formula and we are a happy family again. I wont be letting her out of my sight anytime soon!

She was sure happy to see us but she was a bit cranky and acted sick. Probably too much running around and not enough sleep. We fixed her an Easter basket and put her to bed. Cant wait to see her get it tomorrow and then take her out to eat.

Hope everyone has a nice day with no meltdowns allowed!


New Member
Happy Easter all

No difficult child today for me, we are seeing him on Tuesday for our supervised visit (hopefully he'll turn up this time). Just had hot cross buns (altho we are supposed to have them on good Friday but easy child's 1, 2 &3 insisted lol)

Taking the children to visit grandparents and aunt tomorrow. So sad difficult child cant come but he's still too volatile


Good morning early birds! And Happy Easter to those who celebrate.

TM, hope Duckie doesn't get you up too early.

Marg, glad you're able to share Easter with all the kids.

Janet, glad Keyana is back home safe and sound.

Realangel, hope the day goes well, even if difficult child can't join you.

Not much on the agenda today. School begins tomorrow for difficult child 1 so he'll be catching up on some homework with husband. I'm almost done with our taxes -- just two more numbers to fill in (after tracking down some paperwork), and I'll be able to deliver it to the accountant tomorrow. Our wonderful babysitter will be with the kids tonight. Don't know if husband and I will go out to dinner or catch a movie, but talking over Starbucks always ends our "date nights."

Enjoy your day!

Wiped Out

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Good Morning and Happy Easter to those who celebrate!

difficult child awoke at 2:30 this morning and just fell back asleep again at 7:00. Of course, we should be getting up now to go to church-we might go to a later mass.

It's cold here so I had to scratch plans to grill. We're having manicottis and italian sausages instead.

I hope everyone enjoys a peaceful day. :flower:


Well-Known Member
I agree, no meltdowns allowed today.

So far, so good... difficult child is in a good mood. Instead of jellybeans, I put coins in plastic eggs. We're going to have an egg hunt later on today. I wanted to keep the tradition going with-a bit of a grownup angle, so $ seemed the way to go. :angel:

Good luck with-Keyana.
Cute about Duckie!
Hi everyone.


New Member
Happy Easter to all who celebrate. I am going to my daughter's this afternoon. I bought some novelty candies at the farmer's market for my grandchildren. They are so very cute. I am sure the children will get a kick out of them. I wanted to get dressed up but cannot manage panty hose yet so will be wearing a nice pair of slacks and a pretty sweater combo. We are going to leave early so husband can visit his father at the nursing home before dinner. It should be a nice day. We are all getting used to difficult child not being around for the holidays. We miss him but we but we do not bring him up in conversation and try not to dwell on it in our thoughts.


Happy Easter everyone. easy child came home on Friday, although he had to go out with friends each night. His car is acting up, needs new battery, but he was to busy to get anything done over the weekend. Doubt if he can find a place open today to buy one. He has trouble budgeting his money. His current priority is having fun, then looks to me for money. None here.
difficult child is sad when he has no friends to talk to, but all went to relatives for easter. We have no place to go, so all holidays entail just us. difficult child still sleeping, Easter Bunny still comes,even though he is aware.
Lasagna is our meal today, then I am off to work at Midnight.
Happy Easter to all who celebrate.
Oh..difficult child just came in and brought be a card with a BIG ole chocolate bar. My favorite. Chocolate!!

enjoy your day


Active Member
Happy Easter, all. We just got back from mother in law's, where we had barbecued Greek-style lamb as part of a full roast dinner. We didn't have dyed eggs so we cracked our chocolate eggs Greek-style - not a good idea when they vary so wildly in thickness of shell! Then while some of us watched "My Family and Other Animals" (bio-picture based on the book by Gerald Durrell) the rest of us, including mother in law, played Texas Hold-'Em. It's made it a late night for all of us - difficult child 3 is two hours late for bed.
And now we're back home, the kids are too awake to settle now. easy child & BF1 are going to be able to shut the world out - they've scored the sleep-out. husband & I will sleep with ear plugs, easy child 2/difficult child 2 & difficult child 3 would sleep through an earthquake so we'll hopefully soon be snoring (except for BF2 & difficult child 1).

What a day! BF2 is working tomorrow, despite it being a public holiday. husband is driving "to the mainland" early to look for car parts to fix the "Tardis", so he and easy child 2/difficult child 2 will have transport on Tuesday. easy child & BF1 are leaving in the morning to go back to Canberra, so tomorrow is going to be a quiet day, after a busy weekend.

I desperately need my sleep!



Former desparate mom
<span style='font-size: 11pt'>Good Morning all and Happy Easter to those who celebrate. It is colder than it ever has been for April. I think records have been broken.
Janet,I can see the maternal grandmother in you. It's really lovely how you keep after your grand daughter. Hugs.

difficult child is working until 4. We are going to brunch without him. He will join us this evening for a visit to a family friends house. easy child foster daughter must work at 3. So it is a revolving door around here. I didn't do candy. They all got products from Bath and body works and little Godiva choc lollipop. I guess that's the older teen version of easter. difficult child will get gas cards with his chocolate.

I'm enjoying my coffee before I go to spackle my face and head out to brunch. Have a good day my friends. </span>


Well-Known Member
Good Morning.

easy child and I went to sunrise service and then the Easter covered dish at church this morning. difficult child was still sleeping when we left, and is still sleeping now!!!! This is the first year he hasn't gotten up early to see his basket. He got some candy and a pair of Heeleys. easy child got some candy and a couple shirts from Urban Outfitters (her favorite store).

We are relaxing this morning, a small Easter meal around 2, then we're going to watch The Pursuit of Happiness.

The kids and I (as well as one of easy child's friends) are off to the beach tomorrow for three days. I'll have my computer with me!

Have a great Easter (if you celebrate) and a wonderfully peaceful Sunday.


hearts and roses

Mind Reader
Happy Easter everyone...and Happy Sunday to everyone else!

easy child came home with two college friends this year, so I have 17GFG, 18FRIEND, 19PC and 21BF. I filled baskets for each and we had an Easter egg hunt out in our yard this morning. I never saw such competition! easy child almost always beats difficult child each year but this year her 18friend kicked everyone's butts by gathering most of the eggs! We had a coloring contest on Friday night and we colored 33 eggs total. We will have lots of deviled eggs later as an appy. Later, my semi-adopted son will be over (he is 19 also) and I already have a basket ready for him as well.

What can I say? I love watching their faces and it's so much fun. I did tell them, however, that once they start having their own families, they are cut off. Haha - I am hoping it will act as a deterrent to early parenthood for all (and grandparenthood for H and me!).

Have a Happy Easter all~