I don't know the details of those payday cash advance places, except that they charge huge amounts of interest. Oldest went to one a few week ago when she was short on a security deposit for a new apartment. At the time I cringed but thought, at least she's not begging me for the money (not that I would give it to her). It's her life, her problem (detachdetachdetach).
Youngest call me a little while ago, though, to say that Oldest had called her to offer to take her to her dr. appointment today (her last one before the baby is due.. yaaaaay), and also offered to take Youngest out to lunch. Oldest said she was on her way to get a cash advance. It's only been two weeks since the last one.
I shudder to think what will happen when she doesn't pay these loans back (I'm afraid to ask if she's paid back the last one). I'm picturing her going from one cash advance place to another until she runs out of them.
Oh boy!
Youngest call me a little while ago, though, to say that Oldest had called her to offer to take her to her dr. appointment today (her last one before the baby is due.. yaaaaay), and also offered to take Youngest out to lunch. Oldest said she was on her way to get a cash advance. It's only been two weeks since the last one.
I shudder to think what will happen when she doesn't pay these loans back (I'm afraid to ask if she's paid back the last one). I'm picturing her going from one cash advance place to another until she runs out of them.
Oh boy!