Jennifer G
New Member
I am having an awful time with the insurance companies over Intuniv. My two daughters (16 and 11) had been taking Intuniv for years with very good results. Last year, United Healthcare just completely refused to cover it. The prescriptions would have been $400 per month EACH. So we switched to Tenex. It's awful. The girls hate it and it really doesn't work the same way. My older daughter is having a particularly hard time with it but I see big changes in the younger one too. Has anyone had any luck getting their insurance company to cover the brand-name after we can show that we've tried the generic without success? Or alternatively, is there some kind of private supplemental prescription coverage that we could purchase? This is crazy. Here is a medication that they really need and that WORKS and the insurance company just arbitrarily has decided costs too much so they won't cover. Any help would be hugely appreciated.