I would like to question further about generalized anxiety disorder. The psychologist made mention that the IEP label would be ED if gets an IEP. They are also doing testing for Learning Disability (LD)'s. My daughter has problems with written expression she is doing better if it is a subject related topic but if it is personal or what she thinks about what she has read she either doesn't do it or when pressed shuts down. She says she feels tired and her brain says to write but her hand can't. I need to come up with an argument for OHI she needs to have a Special Education teacher work with her on her writing assignments. She is more than capable. Since moving to the public school from Catholic her handwriting is very nice and used to be very sloppy. It was an effort to do written work at all before. She is making progress no IEP yet just testing. Beginning of school all were notified of her Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) but still the teacher pushed her and she shut down and sent her to the principals office to do work that she wouldnt' do so we requested an evaluation. The lastest is that no mention on her progress report of not doing her reading response journal. No mention in my weekly to biweekly phone calls. No mention of an incident where she wrote a personal paper wouldn';t show it to the teacher and went in the bathroom for 30 minutes. I could have had her therapist talk to her about it. I found out weeks later. About the reading response journal found out at teachers conferences in which her grade was a C because she failed her in 2 areas of reading for not doing the reading response journal. No attempt to test her reading ability in any other way, no reading specialist brought in(they have them at the school NOT Special Education) she is being testing now for Special Education.
In sciene only 1 test she got 100 but told she recieved a B didn't use time wisely on hands on project. She told me it was the week she was sick a day and got confused as what to do when she got back, she also has problems asking for help due to her anxiety
Husband is going to ask to look at grade book, then talk to principal about grade change for reading, other things to do. Then follow up with official letter. Then we will hash this out at the IEP/504 meeting. However to get a teacher to work with her on her writing I am thinking they will not have a Special Education teachaer to help her with a 504 correct? She would need an IEP.
Any direction, suggestions? I read a website that argued OHI for bipolar but what about generalized anxiety disorder?
Any suggestions?
In sciene only 1 test she got 100 but told she recieved a B didn't use time wisely on hands on project. She told me it was the week she was sick a day and got confused as what to do when she got back, she also has problems asking for help due to her anxiety
Husband is going to ask to look at grade book, then talk to principal about grade change for reading, other things to do. Then follow up with official letter. Then we will hash this out at the IEP/504 meeting. However to get a teacher to work with her on her writing I am thinking they will not have a Special Education teachaer to help her with a 504 correct? She would need an IEP.
Any direction, suggestions? I read a website that argued OHI for bipolar but what about generalized anxiety disorder?
Any suggestions?