Well, difficult child had a good day yesterday. i was proud of him coming forward and came home in a good mood. I am at work and school started 15 minutes ago. I just go off the phone with difficult child. VP had him call. He has already been kicked out of his first class for "saying something under his breath" (obviously not under his breath enough). Then VP told him to go to the little room in the office and he refused, so VP had him call me. difficult child told me to pick him up. I said no, he needs to do what he is told. Now, mind you he is IN the principals office...He said "I am sick of him he is a ". I said what are you talking about. He said VP. He got in trouble yesterday for swallowing gum. Well, you are NOT to have gum in school. I told difficult child to do what he is told and I will leave dad a message and he can call school when he gets a chance. difficult child said "That's bogus". I hung up. Now my insides are all in knots, the tears are coming, my heart is racing. One good day in a week??? come on, why? :sad: