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difficult child's school (yes, his therapeutic day school) is reporting that his hperactivity is out of control. Now my SO learned this info from his ex (difficult child's mom) so we have not yet heard it directly from the school. Being Bipolar, he is not on any ADHD medications because they have not worked inthe past. The ex is adament that his nortryptilene needs to be increased in order to 'solve' the hyperactivity issue. My SO and I are extremely reluctant to raise the nortryptilene. I pointed out to SO that the antidepressent (nortryptilene) has made difficult child manic to begin with (the god complex) and that is why the docs added the seroquel. The hyperactivity could be from this manic state. SO tried to explain his reluctance to his ex, but she won't hear of it. SO let the ARPN know that medication changes or increases are not to be done without both parents signatures. THey are going forward with the blood test and EKG to determine if the nortryptilene is safe to increase. SO said to do the test but no increase.
How do you all handle the hyperactivity issue with your Bipolar/ADHD kids? SO and I are not against all medications, but don't want to overmedicate either. Ex tries to look for a quick fix when things get rough.
How do you all handle the hyperactivity issue with your Bipolar/ADHD kids? SO and I are not against all medications, but don't want to overmedicate either. Ex tries to look for a quick fix when things get rough.