I am SOOO not ready for this...


Well-Known Member
And Trinity.... you could just say you're running to the grocery store and just hop on to the QEW. You'd be here before they knew you were gone! :rofl:

Hmmm...that has possibilities.

My mother in law used to "go out for milk", and could be gone for minutes, hours or even days. I'll definitely have to try that out.


Former desparate mom
Gotta love those toddlers. My nephew turned 2 a couple of weeks ago. Happy as a clam one minute and throwing himself on the floor in a demonstration of meltdown of epic proportions. Hope your babies feel better soon.
Regarding adult difficult child's. Go to the grocery store and stay away for a few hours everytime he gets too wild. It's the talking, talking, talking that makes me nuts.
Merry Christmas to you and your babies. Hope things calm down and the kids are delighted with everything under the tree.