My daughter has been out of the house for over a week now. Her choice. We were fighting alot and she left for a few days and then decided to stay at her friends for good. I wrote about this last week.
I am still having such a hard time. We had dinner last Tuesday and texted a little here and there but its now been 3 days since I have heard from her at all. I understand that she is now an adult but it is so hard to go from a once very close relationship to now very limited contact. She even said herself, maybe we were just too close Mom. What does that mean? Is that a bad thing? To be close to your children? I didnt ask her those questions, only to myself. She use to share a lot with me and now I barely know her work schedule.
I dont want to bother her so I have backed off but is this how our relationship will be from now on? It just took a drastic swing in the other direction in such a short time.
My husband, family and friends and even you ladies give me the same advice. 'Let her go. Do your own thing.' I wish it was that easy. I work and I take care of my other daugter and our house has been nice and quiet with her gone. But I miss her so much. I want her to be succcessful on her own. I really do. I just hate the way it happend and surrounded with anger.
Thanks for letting me vent again.
I am still having such a hard time. We had dinner last Tuesday and texted a little here and there but its now been 3 days since I have heard from her at all. I understand that she is now an adult but it is so hard to go from a once very close relationship to now very limited contact. She even said herself, maybe we were just too close Mom. What does that mean? Is that a bad thing? To be close to your children? I didnt ask her those questions, only to myself. She use to share a lot with me and now I barely know her work schedule.
I dont want to bother her so I have backed off but is this how our relationship will be from now on? It just took a drastic swing in the other direction in such a short time.
My husband, family and friends and even you ladies give me the same advice. 'Let her go. Do your own thing.' I wish it was that easy. I work and I take care of my other daugter and our house has been nice and quiet with her gone. But I miss her so much. I want her to be succcessful on her own. I really do. I just hate the way it happend and surrounded with anger.
Thanks for letting me vent again.