I just read Janet's thread and I need questions answered.
Quick update ~ difficult child's testing went through the school,diagnosis-ed ADHD,therapy,IEP,medications that he responded backwards too. Residential psch hospital un-diagnosis'ed him and put him on mood stablizers. I had VERY many concerns and felt like I was the outsider looking in and no one else had a clue or cared what was happening.
I took easy child to be evaluated for ADD. Ph.D mostly talked down to her which put her on the defensive and made her shut down. Psychotherapist came in and in front of Ph.D asked the same questions. Only scratching the surface, they set up a personality test and an I.Q. test. We are to return tomorrow for the results.
My question, My easy child in my opinion was treated as a #. Just like difficult child was.
I spoke to one of my customers fri afternoon and in 30 min. she explained the dyanmics of what happened with difficult child and my new marriage. She also brought into play my easy child's age and what she is facing at this time in her life. She said she uses all forms of therapy before ever prescribing medications. She suggested I bring the test results to her and let her work with easy child.
I am embarrassed to say, I don't know exactly what she is so here
is her title ~
Her name,EdS, M.Ed, CDVC, LBSW
director of social services
What to do?
Quick update ~ difficult child's testing went through the school,diagnosis-ed ADHD,therapy,IEP,medications that he responded backwards too. Residential psch hospital un-diagnosis'ed him and put him on mood stablizers. I had VERY many concerns and felt like I was the outsider looking in and no one else had a clue or cared what was happening.
I took easy child to be evaluated for ADD. Ph.D mostly talked down to her which put her on the defensive and made her shut down. Psychotherapist came in and in front of Ph.D asked the same questions. Only scratching the surface, they set up a personality test and an I.Q. test. We are to return tomorrow for the results.
My question, My easy child in my opinion was treated as a #. Just like difficult child was.
I spoke to one of my customers fri afternoon and in 30 min. she explained the dyanmics of what happened with difficult child and my new marriage. She also brought into play my easy child's age and what she is facing at this time in her life. She said she uses all forms of therapy before ever prescribing medications. She suggested I bring the test results to her and let her work with easy child.
I am embarrassed to say, I don't know exactly what she is so here
is her title ~
Her name,EdS, M.Ed, CDVC, LBSW
director of social services
What to do?