Information on AB3632

The Department of Mental Health is the department mandated by Lanterman-Petris-Short legislation to administer mental health programs for the citizens of California. Each county provides its own plan and is responsible to provide services.
Any child, youth or adult who is emotionally, mentally or behaviorally disordered is eligible for mental health services, regardless of their ability to pay. People will be billed on a sliding scale basis that takes into consideration income, number of people in the home, expenses, etc.
Under AB3632/AB 882, the state interagency agreement that provides for free Mental Health Services when referrals for a Mental Health Assessment are made by the IEP Team. Any services provided by Mental Health that are required by the IEP are exempt from financial eligibility standards.
Responsibilities and Function
Services that are provided may include but are not limited to:
Out-patient/in-patient assessment
Individual and group therapy
Treatment planning
Consultation with schools, Regional Centers, social services, etc.
Personality evaluation
After care (following hospitalization)

Thank you SO much! I will print that one out when I get home tomorrow! Very helpful.

Hugs to you,
Vickie :laugh: