I had just recently found this site in April after a few years and got some advice from many of you to look into children's hospitals here in Connecticut. I called Yale and got no luck, but the Institute of Living (IOL) took us in. Since I posted, things became significantly worse while difficult child was on Luvox. He was suicidal and at one point tried to jump out of my car while I was driving. Luckily, I knew he couldn't open the doors due to the fact that the doors won't open when the car is moving. Therefore, I didn't have to panic and react in a way which would give him attention for this and he would do it more. Anyway, he is off Luvox, it is out of his system and he is now just angry again.
We went to IOL last Thursday and basically got the same message we have been getting for years. He is ADHD with probable bipolar. He can't be officially diagnosed for another year so the recommendation was to wait a year, see a neuropsychologist for an evaluation. He did suggest trying Trileptal sp? and if it works to reduce the dose of risperdal to just an evening to help with sleep. He also recommended outside counseling. My husband and I went there with the hope that there would be a diagnosis with a prescription to match the diagnosis. We are worried about trying yet another medication (we were anti-medication until last summer) without a firm diagnosis.
So, we took him somewhere, feel kind of like we got nowhere and difficult child can still barely make it through a school day, even a partial one, without hating himself, school, or having an "incident" as he calls them.
Thank you for your input and support. It is a relief to know this site is here.
I had just recently found this site in April after a few years and got some advice from many of you to look into children's hospitals here in Connecticut. I called Yale and got no luck, but the Institute of Living (IOL) took us in. Since I posted, things became significantly worse while difficult child was on Luvox. He was suicidal and at one point tried to jump out of my car while I was driving. Luckily, I knew he couldn't open the doors due to the fact that the doors won't open when the car is moving. Therefore, I didn't have to panic and react in a way which would give him attention for this and he would do it more. Anyway, he is off Luvox, it is out of his system and he is now just angry again.
We went to IOL last Thursday and basically got the same message we have been getting for years. He is ADHD with probable bipolar. He can't be officially diagnosed for another year so the recommendation was to wait a year, see a neuropsychologist for an evaluation. He did suggest trying Trileptal sp? and if it works to reduce the dose of risperdal to just an evening to help with sleep. He also recommended outside counseling. My husband and I went there with the hope that there would be a diagnosis with a prescription to match the diagnosis. We are worried about trying yet another medication (we were anti-medication until last summer) without a firm diagnosis.
So, we took him somewhere, feel kind of like we got nowhere and difficult child can still barely make it through a school day, even a partial one, without hating himself, school, or having an "incident" as he calls them.
Thank you for your input and support. It is a relief to know this site is here.