It's complicated . . . or is it?


New Member
New to the site. Been learning a lot by reading you folks' comments. My son is almost 40 and has been rescued off the street twice. No serious drugs, but regular pot smoker. He was a very weird kid growing up but I grew up with an autistic/multiple personality sister and a Aspergers/dyslexia/celiac brother, undiagnosed because this was back in the late 50s early 60s. So, crazy was pretty normal and weird was okay. Also, my sibling and I grew up in a cult . . . so extra craziness but no drugs or alcohol.
I eventually married a fellow with a family history of Huntington's Disease. We were married for 25 years, been divorced for nearly 20. My only child inherited the Huntington's gene, but neurologist says no symptoms, yet.
I can't figure that out because my son is not making it in the world at all lately. He's been with me for over six years now with failure to thrive, depression/anxiety/Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)/aspergers symptoms and makes less and less effort to do anything to improve. We're lucky to have an excellent mental health program in our area and a counselor comes right to our house and then goes out on the porch to talk to my son.
But other than that little moment of joy, my son is dragging us down. He doesn't bathe, doesn't clean his room and won't let me, and when he opens the door the smell fills the house. He's rude to me. Won't talk to me. Rolls his eyes at me. Actually puts his fingers in his ears if I ask him a question. Does nothing.
He is angry if I open his mail, but if I don't he lets his health insurance, food stamps and other important benefits lapse. I just saved his health insurance four days from the deadline because I went into his room and opened some mail. He'd let the food stamps lapse two weeks ago and his counselor is handling that. This is the third time this has happened.
I work at a job I am highly qualified for, have won many awards for, and really like but which pays terrible wages. Our extremely low rent is nevertheless half our income with city fees and power added. I was run over by a car about 15 months ago and got behind financially as a result. I'll be able to catch up, can't do my second job anymore. Exhausted all the time.
Fortunately, I have excellent friends who got me through the months after getting run over. My best friend has also offered my son work over and over again for over a year. He can come when he wants, work only a half hour if he feels anxious, work in the day or at night, with others or alone, it's work he can easily do, he can even smoke pot on the job if he wants, and she'll pay him what I make per hour ( and I've got nearly a Masters Degree). He won't take the job. Has little by little stopped doing anything at all to help us survive. If he would just keep the fire going while I'm at work we'd save money on power, but he won't even do that. Stopped mowing the lawn and I had to hire it done because it's in the rental agreement but I can't do it myself since getting run over. Stopped chopping wood and carrying it in and I hired it until I could begin doing it myself again. I have to take a lot of little trips. Won't build a fire in the snowy winter. Says, "I'm not cold. If you want it you do it." Now, he's stopped feeding his dog. I buy the food but he at least put the food in the dog's dish. Now, the dog comes begging to me and I go and find no water or food. Ever. The water dish is bone dry.
I think its time for my son to be homeless again.


Active Member
At 40 I feel it is time for you to detach and live your life. You don't deserve to be treated like that by a 40 year old and your home should be a place of peace and not reek because he is keeping his room filthy. It would be nice to be able to snap our fingers and they suddenly get it but it doesn't work like that.He should either totally commit to being helpful inside and outside your home or move. He's 40 years old

Tired out

Well-Known Member
You are in a tough spot. If he is truly mentally ill, Asperger. Is he willing to see a therapist and see if there are any medications that can help him function? If he is unwilling to help himself then it turns into him just being a leach. I would keep the dog and leach leave. If you don't want the dog you should take it to the pound not give it to him to be starved.