Marg is 'Missing'


Active Member
I'm back (almost). husband bought a new router only to find something on our computer is also fried and won't talk to the other comnputers or the router. So we're accessing the 'Net by plugging the laptops in to the router, one at a time. It's laborious, I can't type much and I don't get much chance. Hopefully we'll be able to either fix our computer or get a new one soon. The insurance company said 60 days, but we can't wait that long.

I'll know more on Monday.

Thanks for all your concerns.

ALso, it shows how well you know me - yes, I travel with thingss I'm likely to need. My Swiss army knife coud build and light a fire, build a shelter, do minor surgery. My mending kit keeps hems in place and clothes held together. and so on.



I can't go long without hearing from one of my favorite cyber mentors. I miss her! ML


Spork Queen
I travel with thingss I'm likely to need. My Swiss army knife coud build and light a fire, build a shelter, do minor surgery. My mending kit keeps hems in place and clothes held together. and so on.

It feels so good to laugh some times. Do you have your necessary Girl Scout badges?



Active Member
"Do you have your necessary Girl Scout badges?" Abbey

In my day (and country) it was called "Girl Guides" and you know? I was lousy at it. Plus we never did anything interesting, I got bullied there too, so I left. Instead I would read old books on campcraft, scouting, army survival etc and because we lived with a lot of bushland, I got lots of opportunity to practice. I was a tomboy, I'd go wandering through the bush and climbing trees. Where we live now, we have a vast amount of wilderness right at the door. husband had a similar upbringing, we both learned to improvise with whatever materials are handy.

I'm going out tomorrow looking for a new computer. We need it!
