The letter I wrote in one of your ealier threads pertains to a multidisciplinary evaluation. Even re-evaluations should be multidisciplinary via the school district if the request is made appropriately by the parent.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The school district needs to re-evaluate your son. Beings that haven't taken the initiative to do that, you can parent refer him. They must either do the evaluation or show cause why it's not necessary to a Hearing Officer at a Due Process Hearing. Under the circumstances, I'd be extremely surprised if they refused to re-evaluate. But lets go one step at a time.
Revamp the FBA letter I previously posted. Similar to:
Certified Mail No.______________
Fax No. (xxx) xxx-xxxx
March X, 2007
Dear Mr/Mrs. Special Education Director
X Independent School District
City, State zip
Re: difficult child
XXX School
Dear Mr/Mrs. Special Education Director:
My son, ___________, attends ___________ School. He was evaluated and found eligible for an IEP approximately six years ago.
This letter is a formal request and parent consent for a complete re-evaluation including but not limited to health, vision, hearing, social and emotional status, general intelligence, academic performance, communicative status, and motor abilities.
It's my understanding XISD has 60 days to perform the evaluation.
Additionally, this is a request for a Functional Behavioral Assessment to be performed immediately.
We look forward to receiving an evaluation plan within 5 days of this request. It will be necessary that we receive a copy of the evaluation report together with subtest scores one week prior to the IEP meeting being scheduled.
I'm going to close this post and respond with additional info so the post isn't so long.
But presently this is the most important issue to handle so I encourage you to get your letter done and to the sd ASAP. </div></div>