Well-Known Member
This is the story of a thirteen year old in her class. She's a foster child living with a very good foster mom, however the foster mom has moved to another district. The child has a slew of diagnosis. The FM is a single mom and drives the child to school every day, since she is now out of district. A social worker from DCFS has to pick her up every day and drive her to where the FM works. All of a sudden, DCFS decided that the child should move to her home district three months before she graduates, so that she can not enjoy graduation with her friends and has to adapt to a new school in the middle/end of the year. My friend thinks the social worker is just too lazy to drive her to her FM every day. She and the other teachers to do not feel it is in the best interests of the child to have another IEP that will move her to a new district until next year. They feel it would be very disruptive. This girl has come a long way and has been in many bad placements before finally bonding with and being well taken care of her new foster mom. The IEP is scheduled for Tuesday, with the teacher's dead set against moving her right now. Of course, the social worker is not saying she doesn't want to drive the girl to her FM after school. She is using other reasons, as yet undisclosed (and my friend just can't WAIT to hear how she spins it). This is happening in Illinois. Does anyone have any idea how the school can stop this social worker from removing the child from the district? Shouldn't the State have to pay for a cab to take this child to her FM after school? It's not far from the school. The child has too many problems to be left alone in the house when her FM is at work. Any suggestions will be instantly passed along to my friend, who doesn't have home internet access, but I can e-mail her at work. Thanks :smile: