My heart is in pieces...



it's not fair that our kids are always the ones to get hurt the most and we can not stop their father's (or Mother's) from doing so


Well-Known Member
What a bum! My heart breaks for Tink that she should even have to know this type of thing at her young age. Honestly, I know why she wants to see him, but is it really appropriate? I think that there are some things that they just don't need to see and know at that age. Maybe a phone call would be better. Since you've been honest - as you should have - and explained that he is in jail, maybe you should also tell her that it's just not a place that she needs to be.


Well-Known Member
I'd add Tink's name to the list. Who knows when he might come into money or win the lottery or straighten up his act. (LOL!) She is just as much his child as the others and he shouldn't get off the hook on the money owed for her support.

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
I personally think it's not a good idea to lie to kids. They're much smarter than we often give them credit for. And by not being honest when the opportunities arrise, you leave a question in their minds as far a communication goes in your relationship. Odds are that Tink would've eventually figured it out, and might have even resented YOU for not being honest when she asked.

Definately a tough situation to be in, though. Poor kid.

I'd go for the child support. Even if ex still won't pay....eventually they'll go after his tax returns. Trust me, they did it to husband when he was out of work for awhile. We just about never got our taxes back to just coming to us again. (state he was in thought they could keep right on taking it after he paid off the back support and we wouldn't notice)

Sorry difficult child and you have to go thru this.

I've always been pretty honest with Tink. She's SO friggin smart, if I lied, she'd catch me in it.

A year ago April, when I was still going to court with DEX, he wsa taken away from a hearing in cuffs and put in jail because he was $1500 in C/S. Tink was not able to see him that weekend, and when I explained to her that he owed "us" child support, I took heat from her for DAYS because she insisted that I put her daddy in jail. He either begged, borrowed or stole the money (he had to come up with half of what he owed) in under a week, and was able to bail his sorry :censored2: out. he has not paid a DIME since then for child support.

About 6 months later, on a visit with her dad, he took her to a hotel for the weekend. She asked him "how come you have money to pay for a hotel room, but you don't pay my child support?"

The look on his face was PRICELESS. He looked at me, and I just would not let him off the hook.

SO...he owes all his kids money, but he owes Tink the most. Close to $16,000. And hells yeah, I'm going after it. I don't know if I will EVER see it, but like I said, maybe they will keep him there. And he will stop making babies that he can't afford.