I requested an IEP meeting because I felt that my son needed an updated FBA for his behavior plan. I got a call to schedule the date for the meeting, but I never got the prior written notice.
At the meeting I brought a letter from his new psychiatrist stating his diagnoses and needs. We discussed his needs and agreed to make some changes. We agreed that he needed a reduced schedule and took away his last class of the day. He was having the most difficulties in that one. Instead he goes to a class he can use as a study hall. We decided that the teachers would only give him the most important work to catch up on so that he could get a fresh start on the next nine weeks. We also agreed that he would have a place to go if he could not handle things in a class (He could decide to go, or the teacher could tell him he needed to go).
My husband asked if he needed to have his IEP/behavior plan rewritten and the answer they gave was yes.
They mentioned a district therapeutic school and that it might benefit him to go there. I told them I wanted to look into that and discuss it with my child's psychiatrist.
Today things fell apart for difficult child and he was told to go down to the tardy room. Apparently, they decided that the tardy room was the best place to send him. difficult child refused to go. They escorted him into the office and called me up. I spoke to difficult child and he said that he did not realize that his place to go was the tardy rooom, and that he could not go there because the teacher continuously played music in the room (he has had issues before with not doing well with teachers playing music in the classroom). He said that the music bothered him. He said that he would rather go to ISS.
I spoke to the Vice Principal and he would not budge or modify anything. He said that he followed the plan, and the plan did not work. He said that now we had to pick him up. My husband picked him up and it was around lunchtime.
When I got home I read this email from the guidance councelor:
Dear Colleagues:
In our meeting with XXXX and his family, we agreed on the following to try to address XXXs behavioral and emotional issues:
XXX will drop Ms. XXX 7th period Class and go to Mr. XXXs 7th period for a non-credit study hall and a time to organize himself before going home for the day. He will continue to ride the bus home.
If XXX feels that he cannot handle being in class, or if his behavior demonstrates to his teachers that he cannot handle being in class, XXX will report to Ms. XXXX in the tardy room, take a seat, and either work or sit quietly for the remainder of the period.
At the end of the period he will continue on to his next class.
If XXX cannot remain quiet or if he does anything disruptive in the tardy room, Ms. XXXXX will call the office and have him escorted to ISS or the main office for the remainder of the period.
We will also explore the possibility of a referral to XXXX (therapeutic school)as a contingency plan in the event that this modified schedule does not meet XXX's needs.
Then the remaining letter is address so some Dr I never heard or...maybe from the district.
Dear Dr. XXX:
As XXX's parents, we hereby approve the changes in XXXs schedule as outlined above. We understand that XXX will not receive credit for Mr. XXXs 7th period class because he will be using that class as a study/organization time. He will be allowed to stay at school until the end of the day to accommodate his transportation needs, but he will be considered an early dismissal after 6th period.
I do not feel comfortable signing this letter. First of all, we never discussed what was to happen if difficult child refused to go to the tardy room. It states that if he does not do well in the tardy rm he needs to go to ISS or the Office for the remainder of that period. I would think that they would have sent him to ISS or kept him in the office instead of making us come to get him when he refused to go.
Second of all- I don't know why they would not try to resolve the issue by asking the tardy room teacher to refrain from playing music if it disturbed him so he would feel comfortable going there, or figure out what might work better for him.
Thirdly...they took it upon themselves to write in that if the plan we put into place does not meet his needs, then the next step is to consider this therapeutic school which I do not know enough about to feel comfortable with. This was never mentioned at the meeting at all!
And lastly, the FBA I requested was never mentioned again.
At the meeting I brought a letter from his new psychiatrist stating his diagnoses and needs. We discussed his needs and agreed to make some changes. We agreed that he needed a reduced schedule and took away his last class of the day. He was having the most difficulties in that one. Instead he goes to a class he can use as a study hall. We decided that the teachers would only give him the most important work to catch up on so that he could get a fresh start on the next nine weeks. We also agreed that he would have a place to go if he could not handle things in a class (He could decide to go, or the teacher could tell him he needed to go).
My husband asked if he needed to have his IEP/behavior plan rewritten and the answer they gave was yes.
They mentioned a district therapeutic school and that it might benefit him to go there. I told them I wanted to look into that and discuss it with my child's psychiatrist.
Today things fell apart for difficult child and he was told to go down to the tardy room. Apparently, they decided that the tardy room was the best place to send him. difficult child refused to go. They escorted him into the office and called me up. I spoke to difficult child and he said that he did not realize that his place to go was the tardy rooom, and that he could not go there because the teacher continuously played music in the room (he has had issues before with not doing well with teachers playing music in the classroom). He said that the music bothered him. He said that he would rather go to ISS.
I spoke to the Vice Principal and he would not budge or modify anything. He said that he followed the plan, and the plan did not work. He said that now we had to pick him up. My husband picked him up and it was around lunchtime.
When I got home I read this email from the guidance councelor:
Dear Colleagues:
In our meeting with XXXX and his family, we agreed on the following to try to address XXXs behavioral and emotional issues:
XXX will drop Ms. XXX 7th period Class and go to Mr. XXXs 7th period for a non-credit study hall and a time to organize himself before going home for the day. He will continue to ride the bus home.
If XXX feels that he cannot handle being in class, or if his behavior demonstrates to his teachers that he cannot handle being in class, XXX will report to Ms. XXXX in the tardy room, take a seat, and either work or sit quietly for the remainder of the period.
At the end of the period he will continue on to his next class.
If XXX cannot remain quiet or if he does anything disruptive in the tardy room, Ms. XXXXX will call the office and have him escorted to ISS or the main office for the remainder of the period.
We will also explore the possibility of a referral to XXXX (therapeutic school)as a contingency plan in the event that this modified schedule does not meet XXX's needs.
Then the remaining letter is address so some Dr I never heard or...maybe from the district.
Dear Dr. XXX:
As XXX's parents, we hereby approve the changes in XXXs schedule as outlined above. We understand that XXX will not receive credit for Mr. XXXs 7th period class because he will be using that class as a study/organization time. He will be allowed to stay at school until the end of the day to accommodate his transportation needs, but he will be considered an early dismissal after 6th period.
I do not feel comfortable signing this letter. First of all, we never discussed what was to happen if difficult child refused to go to the tardy room. It states that if he does not do well in the tardy rm he needs to go to ISS or the Office for the remainder of that period. I would think that they would have sent him to ISS or kept him in the office instead of making us come to get him when he refused to go.
Second of all- I don't know why they would not try to resolve the issue by asking the tardy room teacher to refrain from playing music if it disturbed him so he would feel comfortable going there, or figure out what might work better for him.
Thirdly...they took it upon themselves to write in that if the plan we put into place does not meet his needs, then the next step is to consider this therapeutic school which I do not know enough about to feel comfortable with. This was never mentioned at the meeting at all!
And lastly, the FBA I requested was never mentioned again.