New and unsure what to do next?


New Member

I have a 7 year old diagnosis'd with ADHD combined type. Trialed Concerta with no luck, increasing doses just made him more angry. He has anger issues, impulsivity to the max. He got suspended on friday for threatenting his classmates in a fit of anger..not acceptable to the school and I can understand. I sent a letter asking for an evaluation. He is having an independent evaluation with a psychologist who specializes in ADHD, ODD and anger issues Wednesday at my expense. I'm just unsure what if anything to do next. If he goes back to school the same issues are going to continue. He doesn't see a psychiatrist until January 12th, the earliest anyone could see him, so he won't get any medications until then. I'm concerned about keeping him out that long but I can't guarantee he is not going to flip out and say "unsafe" things again...he is impulsive and when he gets mad says all kinds of thinge he later doesn't mean. I'm a single parent and I have trouble with authority, meaning I just give in to what they now I have to fight for my son when I'm completely ill-equipped to do so with very limited time due to work. They keep saying over and over he has no cognitive difficulties, and that they believe he is doing all this for attention, aftter they determined it was ADHD, now the school psychologist is saying no, it isn't, he is just doing it for any kind of attention. I don't think that is it. I just don't know if there is anything else I should do related to school right now.


Well-Known Member
Hi. I'm not too knowledgeable, but I did want to give some advice I'm pretty confident about.
First, you are now officially your child's education advocate. You must be willing to go to the mat if necessary to ensure your child's rights aren't violated.
Second, did you request the evaluation from the school in writing & send it certified mail? That's the best way because then they must set up the evaluation within a designated time frame.
Third, you want to get your son an IEP so that he will have educational supports and some protections due to his ADHD.
And fourth, you want him to have a BIP so that the adults will all be on the same page regarding behavioral infractions at school.
There's a post at the top of this forum which defines some of the more common acronyms used in special education. Also, check out the archives for some useful info.


New Member

Thanks I have been reading the archives. Yes, I sent the request certified mail. They have already said he will not an IEP because he has no learning/cognitive difficulties, this is strictly behavior. They told me today you can't get an IEP just because a child can't or refuses to comply with the school rules. I guess now it is just a wait and see thing. I'm hoping the psychiatrist can help me find some medication to chill out this anger issue in school. Thank you for your advice.


New Member
I just wanted to say that they are blowing smoke about not being able to get an IEP on behaviors alone. Behaviors do cause an adverse educational impact...your child is out of class. My daughter has an IEP, with a BIP being the most integral part of it. She qualifies as gifted, reads several grade levels above her current grade, and has never had anything but A's and B's on her report card. Don't let them jerk you around this way. They know he will qualify for an IEP based on his ADHD or whatever is causing his behavior problems. They are counting on you not to know this. Trust me been there done that. You have to become your child's advocate, and it isn't going to be an easy road under the best of circumstances, and likely to be harder if you have a school district who isn't cooperative. Just think of it if you had a child with a physical illness you would fight to get the best medical advise and care possible, then relate the problems he does have to a similar scenario. Giving up is not an option as your son cannot fight for his own rights, but he does have rights.

You have come to a great place for support, and I am sure others with better advise will come along, but I just wanted you to know that your school district is trying to pull a typical stunt when the primary problem is behavioral.

How long has it been since you sent the letter requesting the evaluation? If it is just recently, then give them some time to comply, then follow up with a request on where they are with the evaluation. They can't just tell you they won't evaluation him as they don't believe he will qualify. Well, I guess they can, but it isn't legal.



Hi Chewsie

The info above is sound.

I think many of us have trouble being assertive with educators. It went against everything I had been taught from childhood. They were complicating my son's problems so I had to get over it and come to understand that I was an equal in this process.

If you want to explore involving an advocate, there's a thread in the Sp Ed Archives that may be helpful.

It's good you sent the letter requesting the evaluation via certified mail. At least until the sd evaluation process is completed, he is under the IDEA/IEP reg "Protections for Children Not Yet Eligible for Special Education."

You can begin to learn about yours and your child's rights in the Getting Started thread in the Archives at

Students with ADHD can qualify for an IEP under the Other Health Impaired (OHI) category. Get a letter from your son's doctor that reflects his ADHD diagnosis. The doctor may already have a form for this. Forward it via Certified Mail to your school district's Special Education department.

A "must read" regarding ADHD in my opinion.

IDEA is the federal regs regarding IEPs. All states also have Special Education laws, however, the must closely follow the federal regs. Just so you know, school district "policy" may not conflict with either Fed or State regs. The US Dept of Education oversees the States, the States are responsible for insuring their school districts comply with IDEA.

If you haven't found the Sp Ed Archives, you'll find it here:

Welcome aboard!:D


Well-Known Member
All the posters have given you some great advice and Sheila has given you great links to help you navigate the advocacy for your son in regards to school.

I hear voices from the past in your post. When my difficult child began his "dark period" in second grade (the same age as your son actually), his teacher said "he's just doing it for attention".

It took a good therapist, a good psychiatrist, educating myself to my son's educational rights, to begin to make a difference. And a difference it has definately made!

To kinda nutshell the IEP stuff - if anything, behavior or cognative abilities, etc., affect your child' ability to learn, he is eligible for IEP (or a 504 at the very least). Keep researching, keep on top of the school.

Use the time during the holiday break to spend time with your son and talk to him during quiet times. Frustration with school work or social situations can lead our kids to rage. Sometimes listening in the quiet times when they feel no pressure or anxiety can clue us in to what is going on inside.

You will be able to make a difference. Arm yourself with knowledge



New Member
Just an ad on, if you request an evaluation by law they have to give you a date for the evaluation in ten days. The evaluation has to be completed with in 90 days. If they give you a hard time about it, tell them that the teacher needs to start collecting anecdotals because of the issues that have been surfacing that are now starting to affect is learning ability. If nothing is resolved a call the the state board of ed usually helps.

I have done this for many years. If you can site them yours and your son's legal rights it usually makes the fall in line!

Don't keep him out of school. Send him every day, document each and every time he gets in trouble, the teacher calls you, if he gets suspended, etc. This is evidence.

I am wishing you the best!!



New Member
Thank you so much. We got a partial diagnosis today during his independent evaluation that I had done. The psychiatric doctor agreed with the diagnosis of ADHD but he also scored high enough for a diagnosis of Asperger's(though on the low end). He is going to undergo more testing next week, she wants a specialist in Asperger's to see him. So she arranged that for the 26th. I finally feel like I have something to go on and she felt he would seriously benefit from an aid in the classroom for 1:1 with him..she said once the school does their evaluation, and sets up the IEP meeting she will go with me and help me get the right accomodations for him. It explains so much, I feel like I have been handed a piece of the puzzle that was missing.