Hello. I am so glad I found this site because I desperately need some advice. This is going to be long and I do apologize. I have a 12 year old stepson. I have been in his life since he was 9 and we have him every other weekend. My husband told me that he has always had behavior problems, even when he was as young as 3 and he has been in counseling before which never did any good because he won't really talk to the counselor. The problems with him have escalated as he has gotten older. His bio mom has money and spoils him and there are never any consequences for his actions. I had no idea of the depth of his problems when I married his dad because at first he seemed kind of normal, just a little odd at times. He seems to like me, but his bio mom had remarried also and he hated his stepdad with a passion and made life there so miserable for his bio mom and stepdad that they wound up divorcing after less that two years of marriage. Of course stepson took that as a huge victory, getting his stepdad out of the house. That was his goal all along. He basically runs his bio moms house. But not our home, because we have rules, which he does hate. His pediatrician put him on Vyvanse simply because his teachers said they thought he had ADHD. He pays attention just fine when he wants to he just doesn't like school because school is not fun. To him, things have to be fun, he doesn't like to be bored, and to him the only things that are fun are video games. When his bio mom saw that Vyvanse wasn't getting her the behavior she wanted from him she told his pediatrician that she thought he was depressed so then he was put on Celexa and upped the dosage on the Vyvanse. No change. Then the pediatrician added Abilfy. Still no change. He also has a video game addiction. Early in the month, his bio mom took away all his video games because he refused to do homework, and he had a violent meltdown. Meltdowns are frequent with him when he doesn't get his way and they are very explosive. He is a very big kid as well and that scares me when he gets violent like he does. During the meltdown he said he was going to kill himself, and later he posted the same thing on Facebook so bio mom hauled him to the ER and they put him in a psychiatric ward on a 72 hour hold. After the end of that time, the psychiatrist diagnosed him with Bipolar 2, and has started to wean him off the Vyvanse since he does not have ADHD. There really hasn't been a change in his behavior at all, if anything, he is worse. He is still on the Abilify and Celexa. The dr. told bio mom NO video games whatsoever, but she has been letting him play every day since he got out of the hospital. We had him this past weekend and would not let him play video games at all, and it was a rough weekend. He asked for the laptop after church, and we told him no. He had a fit of course. His dad asked him if his tantrums help him get what he wants and he said no. Then he asked him why he behaved that way then and he looked at us with pure evil in his eyes and screamed, "because I get angry!" Yes he does, any time he does not get what he wants. After that he stormed up the stairs and slammed the bedroom door and then he started chanting, in monotone, "I am bored, I want to go home" This went on for a half hour, then he asked his dad if he could call his mom and asked her if he could come home early. So he called her and we took him home, and procedded to brag to us in the car that bio mom was going to allow him to play video games for three hours, and that he didn't like coming to our house because it is so boring. His dad told him well then there is no reason for you to come anymore. He said good. Of course his mom will make him come anyway no doubt. We are tired of dealing with the meltdowns and the manipulation, while bio mom keeps enabling the behavior. Counseling does no good because he will barely talk to the therapist, and when he does it's all lies. He is a pathological liar. He has grabbed his bio mom by the wrists and shoved her when she has tried to take his electronics, he has made holes in her walls, he steals his half brother's (his bio mom has another son) stuff when he can't find his. He won't shower, brush his teeth, do homework. He only wants to eat ice cream and cookies. My husband I feel that there is way more wrong with him that just being bipolar, we are even afraid he may have sociopathic tendencies because he shows absolutely NO remorse at all for anything he does, for any feelings he hurts, he simply does not care. The world revolves around him and what he wants. We don't feel he was in the psychiatric facility long enough to get a proper diagnosis, and he is very good and lying and charming the doctors. and nurses and anyone else in authority. As my user name says, I am scared of this child. The way he looked at us yesterday when we were talking to him was frightening. We are both in our fifties, and totally stressed out. We no longer feel comfortable in our own home when my stepson is here with us. I do not trust what he might do. We can't get many answers out of the bio mom, because she is a pathological liar as well and she gives in to him all the time so he has her wrapped around his finger. He even had a meltdown at school the other day that she never told us about so we have a feeling that there have been way more incidents than we even know about. I have to be honest, even though he has never tried to purposely hurt me, during meltdowns he is so out of control that I do worry about that. Just watching his body language sometimes you get the feeling he is plotting something. I do not trust him one bit. My husband is seriously considering telling the bio mom that we are not going to take him every other weekend any more, because he doesn't want to be here, and it's just too stressful for everyone. No one should feel uncomfortable in their own home. Should we call the psychiatrist and talk to him and tell him what we have observed with his behavior, because I can guarantee you that the bio mom didn't tell him everything and has sugar-coated what she did tell him. Does it sound like my stepson may have a conduct disorder? Any advice is greatly appreciated. I could tell you many more things that he has done, but this is a start....