Hi. I'm new to this site and am happy to have found so many others with similar situations. I am a 26 (almost 27) year old mom of 2: difficult child-8.5 y/o (son) diagnosis ADHD, ODD, encopresis and probable underlying medical issues with the encopresis that have yet to be diagnosis'd, currently taking 15mg Atterol in a.m.; easy child-19 months (daughter) cute as can be but developing a temper. difficult child loves his sister, but is now teaching her to repeat his behaviors. I feel like I wake up screaming at him and go to bed the same way. He is chronically disrespectful of his dad (husband-31) and I as well as property, his own and others, drawing on walls, throwing things cutting things with scissors. He refuses to take any responsibility for his actions, everything is always someone elses fault regardless of what it is. He gets violent at times when he doesn't get his way. Was almost hospitalized once a few months back, but my insurance would only cover $100/day of the $6000 price tag so we couldn't financially do it. The encopresis has been going on for almost 3 years with little to no improvement simply due to the fact that he doesn't want to try. We have been in counseling twice (once for a period of 1 year weekly first then bi-weekly) and now weekly for the last 3 months. We've gotten to the point where the therapists have almost given up because nothing seems to be working. My insurance benefites have run out and we are having to pay out of pocket and I'm at my end. I don't know what to do anymore. I'm afraid my easy child will learn from example to be like my difficult child and I don't think I could handle 2. If anyone is in the Chicago area and knows of any good programs or any financial helps I would appreciate any help you could give me. Sorry this has been so long.