New Member
Hi I am new to this site and would love others parents advice. Today I am at my wits end because each day is a battle at my house. My difficult child daughter just turned 6 and is in Kindergarten. She is very smart and can be so loving and fun. But she has these out of control rages that we don't know how to deal with. Usually something sets her off, like picking clothes for school and then she starts to scream and cry and flail on the floor. She grunts and we can hardly understand what she is saying or what she wants. Lately it has been about picking clothes for school which seems really silly, but gets in this rage and we can't even talk to her. She loses all sense of reason and control. If we put her in time out she kicks the walls and destroys everything in her path. She hits, and yells that she hates us and that we don't love her. When we try to give her a consequence she just uses that as something prolong her anger. If we try to walk away and ignore her she follows us and gets more angry for ignoring her. This morning before school I was trying to get her and her brother to start getting dressed and just because we left the room before she was ready is what set her off. She wanted us to come and stand right in the same spot we were before until she decided to come with us. When I told her she could just go to school in her pjs that made her more mad and she followed me around the house screaming and yelling at me that she didn't want to go to school in her pjs and what a mean mom I am. So this is happening at least every other day. I don't know what to do. When she rages their is just no talking to her. The interesting thing is that she is on her best behaviour with other people. Her teachers at school think that she is an angel, she is quiet and does what she is told, she listens well and does all her work. They tell me that she is just so well behaved, but at home she can be such a holy terror and my husband and I just don't know what to do. It seems like their is almost a disconnect when it comes to her actions and consequences. Is this ODD or something else?
Thanks so much for reading my rant. Please Help!!!!
Thanks so much for reading my rant. Please Help!!!!