New Members - helpful information - Parent Report

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member since 1999
It seems like we've had quite a few folks find us recently and I wanted to make sure that you all get the info on doing a parent report. This is a great tool, especially if you are looking at getting IEP evaluations, neuropsychologist/psychiatric/etc. evaluations. Rather than repeating yourself ad nauseum to multiple professionals, you get to document once and for all everything there is to know about your difficult child including what works, what doesn't, what you've tried, and what your hopes are for your kiddo. You are the expert on your kid - this is a really convenient and effective way of sharing information with the professionals involved (sometimes you do have to make sure they actually *read* it, LOL ;) ).

You may be shocked at the amount of time it takes to get the first draft done but it really is well worth your time. Updating it on a regular basis is recommended.

Also, if you could do a signature before you start posting, it would help tremendously. Signatures help the board membership remember your specifics. The instructions for doing a signature are here. Thanks so much!! ;)
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New Member

Thanks for posting that!

I'll get right on it. Well, okay, not right right on it, but this week for sure...;)


I think it might be a good idea to sticky this thread so that all new members see it.


scared mom
thanks for this post. I have two difficult children and have wanted to do this for a long time but now I have an outline to work from.
this forum has been helpful.


Active Member
Can I add some other suggestions? I often find myself saying the same things to each new member. So ON TOP OF what has already been suggested about the Parent Report (which I think is a vital document for any parent to have in their armoury)

1) Keep a diary on your child. Keep it on the computer in case you lose a hard copy, but use it to write down all the worrying things, all the positive things and all the interesting things. The cute things they say as well as the major meltdowns. All these things you may THINK are unforgettable, but if you have a difficult child, you will experience many things out of the ordinary but which will begin to feel more commonplace to you.
A diary also helps you see good progress.

2) We have good books we recommend. I think my fingers can almost automatically type "The Explosive Child" by Ross Greene, as well as the reference to the sticky on tis book, in Early Childhood. I wish we could get royalties from the book, we endorse it so much. But we endorse it with good reason. It isn't the only book, there are others. But I'm sure it is high on the list.

3) Try to avoid feeling guilty too much. It only slows you down. There will be times when you realise you've been doing it wrong - OK, it happens. Make the changes you need to, then move on.

4) As soon as you can after joining, do a signature. It isn't so we can nitpick over your ID and maybe identify who you are really - it is so you don't have to keep describing your family dynamics every post, and so WE don't have to search through every post to get some background on how best to advise you. But please - keep your ID confidential. This is primarily for your own protection and for your children's. There will be times you will want to vent about teachers, doctors, therapists, family... and you can't do that if they are likely to be able to track everything you write online, because you use your real name. It is WONDERFUL to feel free to be truthful in a vent, knowing the person you're angry with (and need advice about) can't know what you're saying!

Welcome to all newcomers, glad we're here to help. Because in helping you, we're also helping ourselves and feeling more productive.



Active Member
I believe Marg is referring to doing a signature (the bottom identifying information in our posts).
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