My 5 year old son was diagnosis'd with ODD, ADHD, and a developmental language disorder. He has been receiving svcs since the age of about 2 when his language development was just not happening. He had many many ear infections and tubes at 1 year, which didn't significantly improve the situation. He began receiving speech and behavioral therapy since he was also on the aggressive side. Hitting had become his way of making himself known in absence of speech. At 3 he entered into public school, make a long story short, he is "graduating" preschool, has been released from special education, speech and his IEP. His academics are totally on target, have never been a problem but his behavior still is. The doctor that diagnosis'd him concluded the initial visit by showing me pill sizes. Not happy with that, do not want to medicate my son. I know this is a very scattered post, it is my first and I am just at a loss, my son needs help and I feel like he is just being dropped. He doesn't do well in the big daycare settings but we need 2 incomes so he does go to daycare and does ok for a while but has been kicked out of one. He also just had a major episode at the current daycare and it is just all bringing things to a head for me. I feel like no one wants to help him because his diagnosis aren't "serious" enough. It seems as if, if these children aren't totally crashing, they are left hanging. Sorry again if this post is too rambling, and wasn't sure exactly which area to start in but I truly do not want to medicate my child.