Hi all, been one heck of a day. difficult child lost her homework binder, says it was here on Friday. I can't find it. Don't know if I mentioned it but new p-doctor added wellbutrin to her Zoloft. With the intention of weaning her off of the Zoloft if she makes out okay with the wellbutrin. Everyday I ask her how she is doing, she say great....never felt better. Okay back to today, difficult child can't find her binder, freaks out, screaming at everyone...husband sends her to her room to calm down, I get a text. "I want to kill myself. I stop myself from cutting my wrists every night. You don't even know what it is like to control my emotions every night". So husband and I call her down, she says she feels this way, I asked her why every day I ask and she says she feels great. She said she doesn't know, because during the day she is fine, its at night she wants to kill herself. I put a call into psychiatrist. husband and I not sure if we should bring her to hospital because she is feeling better, and now says maybe she was upset about the binder and she doesn't really feel like killing herself every night? I am so confused. I don't know what to do or think, and psychiatrist has not returned our call yet. Anyone with experience in this help? We are not sure what to do...