A couple of weeks ago, difficult child was picking up dry dog food that the dog had spread all around her dish (the dog has some odd nervous habit she does with her food) and stopped because she said there were bugs all over the place. I immediately went over - however, cautiously because bugs...ewww! - and didn't see a thing. We have never had a bug problem other than the occasional bug or spider you get which easy child is promptly dispatched to kill so we can continue to live in our home. difficult child and I are a bit phobic. I just assumed she saw *A* bug and it became bugs all over the place and didn't think much of it.
Tonight, easy child told me that difficult child went to pick something up off the floor (don't remember what...I've been up a lot of hours), and stopped because she said there were bugs all around it. He looked right away and there wasn't a single bug...just the flecks of color in the carpet. I hadn't told him about the other incident, so it was something he thought was odd, too. In fact, he presented it with, "I think there's something wrong with difficult child."
She has been somewhat withdrawn lately, although not worrisome so, and her sleep patterns have been odd, but she's a teenager so I haven't thought much of it.
I don't know what, if anything, to make of this. I'll definitely be keeping my eyes open, though.
Tonight, easy child told me that difficult child went to pick something up off the floor (don't remember what...I've been up a lot of hours), and stopped because she said there were bugs all around it. He looked right away and there wasn't a single bug...just the flecks of color in the carpet. I hadn't told him about the other incident, so it was something he thought was odd, too. In fact, he presented it with, "I think there's something wrong with difficult child."
She has been somewhat withdrawn lately, although not worrisome so, and her sleep patterns have been odd, but she's a teenager so I haven't thought much of it.
I don't know what, if anything, to make of this. I'll definitely be keeping my eyes open, though.